Winchester Repeating Arms 101 User Manual
Page 33

choke tube and the internal threads of the barrel
should be cleaned after each use and before the
installation of a tube.
3. Be careful when removing/installing a tube. Use the
specially designed wrench. Damage can result to both
choke tube and barrel when attempting to remove
sticky choke tubes.
4. Never fire your shotgun or run cleaning tools through
the barrel of any choke-tubed shotgun without having
the choke tubes installed.
NOTICE! never atteMPt to taKe your FirearM
aPart Further than exPlained in this owner’s
Manual. your FirearM is a sPecialiZed, Finely
Fitted MechanisM. you May PerManently daMage
it by atteMPting to disasseMble the inner
MechanisM. iF Further disasseMbly For service
or cleaning is required, taKe your FirearM to
a qualiFied gunsMith, or contact our arnold,
Missouri service Facility as exPlained under
“Parts, service, rePair and questions.”
• After extended periods of heavy use, your shotgun
should be taken to a qualified gunsmith to have
the action disassembled for professional cleaning
and lubrication.
, S
, r
If your Winchester rifle or shotgun should ever need
service or repair, it is often best to contact a Winchester
Repeating Arms Authorized Repair Center. To locate an
Authorized Repair Center visit or
contact our customer service department. In some cases
it is appropriate to use the Winchester Repeating Arms
Service Center in Arnold, Missouri. If you have any
questions contact our customer service department and
we can help you determine the best place to service
your firearm.
Parts listings, Authorized Repair Center lists, service
procedures, service/repair form and general product
information are also found on the Web at:
When returning your firearm for servicing, you must do
the following:
1. Be sure it is completely unloaded.
2. Remove the scope or other optics.
3. Package it securely in a cardboard container.
4. When sending your firearm, enclose the service/repair
form available at or a letter that
clearly describes the trouble experienced, the
ammunition used and the repairs desired. Also include
your name and a daytime phone number where you
can be reached.
8. Reassemble the shotgun and wipe all exposed metal
surfaces with an oiled cloth making sure to wipe away
all finger marks where moisture could accumulate.
9. Inspect the barrels and chambers to be certain no
patches have inadvertently been left in them. Remove
any that remain.
10. The wood surfaces can also be wiped with a quality,
lightweight gun oil or they can be polished with any
quality furniture wax (but not both).
NOTICE! it is very iMPortant that the chaMbers
oF your shotgun be cleaned thoroughly and
ProMPtly aFter shooting Plastic shotshells. do
not leave discharged (eMPty) shells in the
chaMbers For any length oF tiMe. the cheMical
coMPosition oF Many Plastic shells contains
Moisture which can “sweat” out oF the shell
and onto the chaMbers’ surFaces, and Possibly
cause corrosion and rust.
The metal parts of a firearm should receive a light film of
oil after the firearm has been exposed to weather or
handling. Lightly oil your firearm at the points described
under “Initial Cleaning and Oiling” found on pages 10-11.
Ordinary good judgment will, of course, indicate that the
metal of the firearm should receive a light film of oil any
time the firearm has been exposed to weather or handling.
This is very important and must be done with every
firearm. Remember, the polished, finely fitted surfaces of
the receiver and action mechanisms must always have a
thin film of lubrication. Make sure that the surfaces of the
locking pin system are especially clean and lightly
lubricated with a high-quality gun oil and the hinge
surfaces on both sides of the receiver are lightly greased to
prevent galling. If the firearm has been exposed to
excessive dust, dirt, mud or water, the principal working
parts should be wiped clean and lubricated with a light
film of quality, lightweight gun oil or grease.
NOTICE! do not Place large quantities oF oil into
the action. excess oil will run bacK into the
wood oF the stocK soFtening the wood, with
consequential loosening oF the stocK.
1. Never use a brass brush to clean your barrels unless
choke tubes are installed. Bristles could break off and
lodge in the threads, making installation and removal
of the choke tubes difficult.
2. Regularly remove the choke tubes in order to clean
and oil the threads inside the barrel, as well as on the
choke tube itself. This will protect the threads from
being damaged and also prevent a dirt build-up that
would cause the choke tube to become difficult to
remove. Clean the threads with solvent and a small,
soft brush like a toothbrush. Wipe completely clean
and leave a thin film of clean oil on the threads, both
on the tube and in the barrel. The threads of the