Winchester Repeating Arms 101 User Manual

Page 26

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beFore PerForMing stocK adjustMent
Procedures, Place the “saFety” in the on saFe
Position. oPen the action and MaKe certain your
shotgun is coMPletely unloaded. KeeP the
MuZZles Pointed in a saFe direction. Failure to
Follow these warnings could result in serious
injury or death.

Some shotguns are fitted with an adjustable stock that

allows you to make adjustments to the stock for cast and

drop. This feature is usually found on target models where

shooters benefit from highly customized settings.












Adjusting cast on and cast off allows you to achieve a

perfect fit from the stock to your face. This is a most

crucial adjustment, as it determines how correctly and

consistently your eye will line up with the sight plane

along the barrel rib. A shotgun correctly adjusted for

cast on and cast off will have you looking directly down

the center of the rib with the front and middle beads

in alignment.
1. Using a 3mm Allen wrench, loosen the two comb

retaining screws on the right side of the removable

cheekpiece and remove the cheekpiece by lifting

upward (Figure 22). This exposes the cast on and cast

off adjustment mechanism. (The cheekpiece comes

set from the factory with cast in the center position.)

certain the chaMbers are unloaded. KeeP the
MuZZles Pointed in a saFe direction. Failure to
Follow these warnings could result in serious
injury or death.

Some shotguns are fitted with a special trigger shoe system

that allows you to make small adjustments to the length of

pull. This feature is usually found on target models where

shooters benefit from highly customized settings. It is easy

to change the length of pull using the 1.5 mm Allen (hex

head) wrench included with your firearm.
1. Place your firearm upside down on a secure, padded

surface to prevent marring the finish.

2. Using the Allen wrench provided (any good 1.5mm

Allen wrench will work) loosen the trigger shoe from

the trigger plate by inserting the wrench from the

bottom into the set screw head (Figure 21). Turn in a

counterclockwise direction to loosen.

3. When the screw is sufficiently loose you will be able

to move the trigger shoe along the trigger plate with

your fingers. There are indexing dots on the trigger

shoe and on the plate. Line up the dots to make

length of pull longer or shorter as desired.

4. Tighten the set screw snugly (do not overtighten)

with the Allen wrench to secure the trigger shoe to

the plate (turn in a clockwise direction to tighten).

Make sure you have aligned the indexing dots in

order to prevent marring the bottom of the trigger

plate with the set screw.

5. With your firearm unloaded, and pointed in a safe

direction, shoulder your firearm several times to feel

how the adjustment changes fit you. Increase or

decrease the length of pull following the instructions

above if necessary. Do not adjust more than allowed

by the “dot” index marks on the plate and trigger

shoe. When you find your preferred adjustment, tighten

the set screw. Always make sure the trigger shoe is

secure before firing. Checking the tightness of the set

screw should be part of your regular maintenance.


Loosen the comb retaining screws.


Loosen the comb adjustment screws.


Insert the Allen
wrench and loosen
the set screw.

Loosen the set screw and slide the
trigger shoe into the indexing dots
on the trigger plate to personalize
length of pull.