Winchester Repeating Arms 101 User Manual

Page 15

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• If the letter “O” is exposed, the over (top) barrel will

fire first (Figure 11, page 12).

Often different chokes are installed in each barrel which

have different constrictions. This may make one barrels

choke preferable for a certain shot. Also there is slightly

less muzzle jump when the lower barrel is fired first,

making it easier to pick up your target for a follow-up

shot. The barrel selector allows you to choose the best

choke and barrel firing order combination for rapidly

changing hunting conditions or to adapt to the layout

of a sporting clays station.
Always make sure that the selector switch is completely

to one side or the other. If the switch is inadvertently

positioned directly between “O” and “U” the “safety”/

selector switch may be more difficult to move to the

off safe position.





The top lever operates the locking pins, which are fitted

to the barrel lugs. Moving the top lever to the right

unlocks the action and allows the shotgun to be loaded

and unloaded.
It is not necessary that the top lever return to a

completely centered position, nor should it hang over the

right side or edge of the receiver tang. Upon closing the

action, let the top lever snap into position to allow the

top lever spring to return the top lever mechanism to the

locked position. Do not retard its action with your thumb.

Many shooters lightly push the top lever to the left after

the closing the breech. This operation is a quick method

of assuring yourself that foreign matter has not interfered

with the complete closure of the breech.
Always keep the polished breech surfaces clean and lightly

oiled. The breech is so carefully hand-fitted that

accumulated debris, sand, etc. may prevent complete

closing. If this should occur the action will not close.

Open the action and unload it. Carefully examine the

action surfaces and remove any foreign matter.
Additionally, provision is made for the gradual wear of

locking surfaces to keep the action tight. It is common,

because of the tight tolerances and craftsmanship of your

shotgun, for the top lever to be just slightly right of center,

even when the action is fully closed (Figure 12).



the “safety”/selector is fully forward the “safety”/selector

covers the “S.” In the off safe position — if your shotgun

is loaded with shell(s) in the chamber(s) — the

chambered shell(s) can be fired by simply pulling

the trigger.
At all times in the field keep the “safety”/selector in the

on safe position and the barrels pointed in a safe direction.

It is a good idea never to load your shotgun until you are

in the field, at the location you intend to begin hunting or

you are at your station on a range and it is your turn to

shoot. For extra safety on a range, and as a courtesy to

others, fully unload the chambers and keep the action

open at all times other than when it is your turn to shoot.





The “safety”/selector on the top tang of your shotgun also

serves as the barrel selector. The barrel selector allows you

to choose which barrel will fire with the first pull of the

trigger. The other barrel will then fire with the second

pull of the trigger. The “safety”/selector must be in the on

safe rearward position to operate the barrel selector.
The “safety”/selector can be moved to the right or left

covering and uncovering the letters “U” and “O.” On the

left side of the “safety”/selector the letter “U” stands for

“under.” On the right side the letter “O” stands for “over.”

• If the letter “U” is exposed, the under (lower) barrel

will fire first (Figure 10).

The “safety”/
selector in the
over position.


The “safety”/
selector in the
under position.



When closed, the top
lever may still be
slightly to the right.

The “safety”/
selector in the
off safe position.
The "S" is not


The “safety”/
selector in
the on safe
position. The
"S" is visible.