Winchester Repeating Arms 101 User Manual
Page 13

extractors/ejectors, hinge surfaces and the chamber areas.
A high quality, lightweight gun oil should be used to
remove this compound and to give your new firearm its
first lubrication. Clean the barrels using a cleaning rod
and patch as explained under “Cleaning and Maintenance
Suggestions” on pages 28-31.
If your firearm is to be stored for an extended period of
time, it is permissible to leave the rust preventative
compound in place and keep your firearm in its box for
maximum protection during long-term storage.
Before beginning assembly of your firearm you should first
wipe the mechanism clean and apply a few drops of quality
oil on the surfaces shown (Figure 6 and Figure 7). Grease
is recommended to lubricate the hinge surfaces on both
sides of the receiver to prevent galling. Avoid applying too
much lubricant, as only a light film is necessary. Excessive
lubricant should be wiped off.
always KeeP the “saFety” in the on saFe Position
unless shooting is iMMinent. visually checK
your “saFety” to be certain it is in the on saFe
Position beFore loading. always KeeP the
MuZZles Pointed in a saFe direction. Failure to
Follow these warnings could result in serious
injury or death.
Your shotgun is designed with a top-tang mounted
“safety”/selector. It is located just rearward of the top lever
on the top tang, and is convenient to operate. It is
operated with the thumb of your rearward hand when
holding the firearm in shooting position.
To place the firearm on safe, pull the “safety”/selector fully
to the rear with your thumb. When the “safety”/selector
is fully rearward an “S” is exposed at the front of the
“safety”/selector. This shows you visually that the “safety”
is in the on safe position (Figure 8, page 12). With the
“safety” in the on safe position the trigger is disconnected
and the shotgun cannot be fired.
To place the firearm off safe, push the “safety”/selector
fully forward with your thumb (Figure 9, page 12). When
In conventional firearm terminology the position and
movement of firearm parts are described as they occur with
the firearm horizontal and in normal firing position: i.e.,
the muzzles are forward or in front; the buttstock is
rearward or to the rear; the trigger is downward or
underneath; the rib is upward or on top. For general parts
nomenclature, refer to Figure 1, page 6.
The shotgun is also shown disassembled to the extent
necessary in order to follow instructions contained in
this owner’s manual in Figure 2 on page 7. Details of
the action are shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4 (page 7).
Figure 5 (pages 8-9) covers the general features and
benefits of the Model 101 design.
Throughout this owner’s manual the “action” refers
to the mechanism of this shotgun that secures the shells
in the chambers.
The serial number is located on the top tang of the
receiver under the top lever. Duplicate numbers are also
located on the bottom of the barrels (when removed) on
the flat surface crossing the barrels below the trunnion
surface and inside the forearm. Record the serial number at
the front of this owner's manual for future reference.
NOTICE! do not interchange the receiver, barrels
or ForearM with other shotguns even though
the Parts May aPPear siMilar.
NOTICE! Please taKe note oF the Following
inForMation beFore cleaning your FirearM.
Be especially careful when cleaning firearms with
camouflage, Dura-Touch
Armor Coating and other
special finishes. Always prevent these surfaces from
coming in contact with cleaning solvents, barrel scrubbers
and other strong chemicals. It is preferable to clean these
surfaces with a light gun oil containing no solvents or with
a damp cloth and mild dish soap (be sure to keep water out
of the action). When cleaning your firearm’s bore and
action, protect the external finishes from any contact with
chemicals used. Also, avoid any contact between external
finishes and other strong chemicals like those found in
DEET-containing insect repellents, sunscreens, etc.
Damage to camouflage, Dura-Touch and other finishes
caused by chemicals is irreversible and not repairable.
wear eye Protection when asseMbling and
disasseMbling your shotgun to Prevent sPrings,
sPring-loaded Parts, solvents or other agents
FroM contacting your eyes, resulting in injury.
Some metal parts of your new firearm have been coated at
the factory with a rust preventative compound. Before
using your shotgun, clean the anti-rust compound from the
inside of the barrels, receiver area, locking pin mechanism,
Lightly oil extractors/ejectors on
both sides of the monoblock.
Lightly oil at these points.