Dashboard, E 23) – Teradek Cube Reference Guide User Manual
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Version 2
Dec „11 © Teradek, LLC 2011. All rights reserved.
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the serial number. The friendly name must only contain alphanumeric characters, and can be up
to 40 characters long.
2.2. SSL/TLS Encryption: Enables or disables encryption using a self-signed certificate. Note: if
encryption is enabled, „https://‟ (not „http://‟ ) must be used to access Cube‟s web UI. Cube will
not redirect users if „http://‟ is entered.
2.3. Dynamic DNS: Cube can utilize DDNS services for remote network discovery. This feature
requires an account with one of the supported DDNS service providers.
Configuration pages
1. Dashboard
Cube‟s dashboard is the first page you‟ll see after logging on to Cube. The dashboard contains
at-a-glance information about your video and network status, and features some commonly used
configuration options.
1.2. Current Settings
– Displays a video snapshot image, detected format information, network, and
stream information. Each one of the above links to the appropriate configuration page. Current
stream URLs are displayed beneath the network status and can be used to launch video
streams. To download a shortcut to the stream, click the
icon. This will download a „.vlc‟ file
that you can launch without opening your browser. The file is valid as long as network and
stream settings are not modified.
1.3. Primary Stream Configuration
– Use this section to make quick adjustments to Cube‟s primary
video stream. You can select from multiple settings preset
s or individually adjust Cube‟s output