Gossen STARLITE 2 User Manual
Page 17

Gossen Foto- und Lichtmesstechnik GmbH
Exposure time priority
- Press the measuring button
to take a
- The measured f/stop appears on the left digital
display (resolution in 1/10 stop increments) and is
marked an the analogue scale, rounded to 1/2 stop
- Select other paired f/stop-exposure time values with
the setting wheel.
- Instead of the full exposure time values, also ½
time values can be set by activating DIP switch 2.
5.3 Exposure value
- Press the button
to measure.
- The measured exposure value EV appears on
the left digital display (resolution in 1/10 stop
increments) and the f/stop is marked additionally
on the analogue scale rounded to 1/2 stops.
- Select other paired f/stop-exposure time values with
the setting wheel.