GBC Digicoil User Manual

Page 7

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1. Operator turns machine on with power switch on power inlet panel.
2. LCD Displays “Ready Press START”.
3. Operator Presses Start button on keypad.
4. Machine turns on MCR.
5. After short time delay machine checks MCR to see in relay came on
6. If MCR did not come on LCD displays “ESTOP or Door Open Press Reset”
7. If MCR did turn on Machine starts the initialization sequence:

1) LCD displays “Initializing Please Wait”.
2) The Insert Motor turns on.
3) Machine checks status of Eject Door. If the Eject Door is open the machine turns on the eject door

motor and waits for door to close or door timeout to finish. If the timeout finishes before the door is
closed the machine shuts down and LCD displays “Eject Door Error Press Reset”. If the Eject Door is
closed the Main Motor is turned on and the Initializing cycle moves to checking the status of the Main

4) The machine checks the status of the Main clutch by checking the Main Clutch Home switch. If the

Main Clutch Home Switch is not on the machine turns on the Main Clutch solenoid for 40 milliseconds
and waits for the switch to come on. If the Main clutch home switch does not come on the machine will
shut down and the LCD displays “Main Clutch Error Press Reset”. If the Main Clutch Home switch is
on the machine moves to checking the status of the Load Clutch.

5) The machine checks the status of the Load Clutch by checking the Load Clutch Home Switch. If the

Load Clutch Home Switch is on the machine turns on the Load Clutch Solenoid for 40 milliseconds and
waits for the switch to turn off. If the Load Clutch home switch stays on the machine will shut down
and the LCD displays “Load Clutch Error Press Reset”. If the Load Clutch Home Switch is off the
machine moves to checking the position of the Cut Crimp Motor.

6) The machine checks the position of the Cut Crimp Motor by checking the status of the Cut Crimp Home

Switch. If the Cut Crimp Home Switch is not on the machine turns on the Cut Crimp Motor until the
Cut Crimp Home Switch is on or the error timer times out. If the error timer time out the machine shuts
down and the LCD displays “Cut Crimp Error Press Reset”. If the Cut Crimp Home Switch is on the
machine is finished with the initializing cycle.

Normal Operating Mode

1. LCD displays “Ready Press Foot Switch”
2. Machine waits for operator to press foot switch or one of the manual cycle buttons while monitoring MCR status,

Eject Door position, Main Clutch position and Load Clutch Position. If any of the monitored inputs change before
the operator pressed the foot switch or one of manual cycle buttons the machine will try to correct the error by
reverting to the initializing cycle.

3. If the Operator presses the Open Spines Push button the machine sequence is:

1) LCD displays “Opening Spines Please Wait”.
2) Machine turns on Main Clutch Solenoid for 40 milliseconds.
3) Main Clutch turns ½


4) Spine Former Stop Rollers open releasing spine formers.
5) Spine Former Hex Shaft rotates lowering the Spine Former so they can be changed.
6) After all the Spine Formers are in the down position the machine shuts down. The MCR is turned off.

And the LCD displays “Ready Press Start”.

7) The operator opens the Rear Side Cover and replaces the installed spine formers with the desired size.

After the new spine formers are installed the operator closes the rear side cover and presses the Start
button on the keypad. The machine will perform the initialization sequence.