E-flite Beechcraft Staggerwing 480 ARF User Manual

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E-flite Beechcraft 480 Staggerwing 480 ARF Assembly Manual

3. At all flying sites a safety line(s) must be established in

front of which all flying takes place (AMA Document

#706-Recommended Field Layout):

(a) Only personnel associated with flying the model

aircraft are allowed at or in front of the safety line.
(b) At air shows or demonstrations, a straight safety

line must be established.
(c) An area away from the safety line must be

maintained for spectators.
(d) Intentional flying behind the safety line is


4. RC model aircraft must use the radio-control

frequencies currently allowed by the Federal

Communications Commission (FCC). Only individuals

properly licensed by the FCC are authorized to

operate equipment on Amateur Band frequencies.

5. RC model aircraft will not operate within three

(3) miles of any pre-existing flying site without a

frequency-management agreement (AMA Documents

#922- Testing for RF Interference; #923- Frequency

Management Agreement)

6. With the exception of events flown under official

AMA Competition Regulations, excluding takeoff and

landing, no powered model may be flown outdoors

closer than 25 feet to any individual, except for the

pilot and the pilot’s helper(s) located at the flight line.

7. Under no circumstances may a pilot or other person

touch a model aircraft in flight while it is still under

power, except to divert it from striking an individual.

This does not apply to model aircraft flown indoors.

8. RC night flying requires a lighting system providing

the pilot with a clear view of the model’s attitude and

orientation at all times.

9. The pilot of a RC model aircraft shall:

(a) Maintain control during the entire flight,

maintaining visual contact without enhancement other

than by corrective lenses prescribed for the pilot.
(b) Fly using the assistance of a camera or First-Person

View (FPV) only in accordance with the procedures

outlined in AMA Document #550.


1. Must be at least 100 feet downwind of spectators

and automobile parking when the model aircraft is


2. Launch area must be clear of all individuals except

mechanics, officials, and other fliers.

3. An effective device will be used to extinguish any fuse

on the model aircraft after the fuse has completed its



1. The complete control system (including the safety

thong where applicable) must have an inspection and

pull test prior to flying.

2. The pull test will be in accordance with the current

Competition Regulations for the applicable model

aircraft category.

3. Model aircraft not fitting a specific category shall use

those pull-test requirements as indicated for Control

Line Precision Aerobatics.

4. The flying area must be clear of all utility wires or

poles and a model aircraft will not be flown closer

than 50 feet to any above-ground electric utility lines.

5. The flying area must be clear of all nonessential

participants and spectators before the engine is


Building and Flying Notes