Range test your radio, Flying your f-16, Safety do’s and don’ts for pilots – E-flite F-16 400 DF ARF User Manual

Page 30: Age requirements

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E-flite F-16 ARF Assembly Manual

Range Test Your Radio

1. Before each flying session, be sure to range

check your radio. This is accomplished by turning

on your transmitter with the antenna collapsed.

Turn on the receiver in your airplane. With

your airplane on the ground and the engine

running, you should be able to walk 30 paces

(approximately 100 feet) away from your airplane

and still have complete control of all functions.

If not, don’t attempt to fly! Have your radio

equipment checked out by the manufacturer.

2. Double-check that all controls (aileron, elevator,

rudder and throttle) move in the correct direction.

3. Be sure that your transmitter batteries are

fully charged, per the instructions included with

your radio.

Flying Your F-16

Flying the F-16 is a thrill and a treat all in one. Enjoy

flying airshow maneuvers as you pretend to be the

lead solo pilot for the USAF Thunderbirds airshow

team. You will find that the lightweight, agile F-16 is

very capable in the air yet docile for slow speed flight,

approach and landings.

If you elect to fly the F-16 without the landing gear,

you will need to hand launch the model. Hold the

model underneath the wing around the same area

as where the main landing gear would be mounted.

Launch the model with full power and a slightly nose-

high attitude. You will find that the F-16 does not

require a hard launch and will fly out of your hand

without hesitation.

When using the landing gear, we suggest using the

lower rate throws listed in the control throws section

for the nose gear on takeoff and landing due to the

narrow stance of the gear on an F-16. Line the model

up pointing into the wind and apply full power. Hold

a small amount of up elevator. The F-16 will rotate

smoothly around 150 feet. After rotation, ease off of

the up elevator and climb to altitude.

The F-16 tracks well in the air and is capable of

many basic aerobatic maneuvers like loops, rolls,

and inverted flight. We do recommend that you use

throttle management during the whole flight. Using full

power throughout the duration of the flight will result

in shorter flight times and could result in a shorter

life span for the electronics and batteries. Once you

are ready to land, pull the power back and begin a

slightly nose-high approach using throttle to control

your descent. The F-16 will land at a slightly nose-high

angle and roll out down the runway.

Happy Landings!

Safety Do’s and Don’ts for Pilots

Check all control surfaces prior to each takeoff.

Do not fly your model near spectators, parking

areas or any other area that could result in injury

to people or damage of property.

Do not fly during adverse weather conditions.

Poor visibility can cause disorientation and loss

of control of your aircraft. Strong winds can

cause similar problems.

Do not take chances. If at any time during flight

you observe any erratic or abnormal operation,

land immediately and do not resume flight until

the cause of the problem has been ascertained

and corrected. Safety can never be taken lightly.

Do not fly near power lines.

Age Requirements

Age Recommendation: 14 years or over. This is not

a toy. This product is not intended for use by children

without direct adult supervision.