Hinging the elevators – E-flite LR-1A Pogo ARF 15e User Manual

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E-flite LR-1A Pogo 15e ARF Assembly Manual


E-flite LR-1A Pogo 15e ARF Assembly Manual

Steps 6 through 13 can be performed while

the epoxy is curing on the joiner wire.

6. Insert the joiner wire into both elevator halves.

Use low-tack tape to keep the joiner wire in

position while the epoxy cures. Use a straight edge

to make sure the elevator halves are in alignment

with each other.

7. Place a T-pin in the center of each of the four

hinges. This will center the hinges when installed in

the stabilizer.

8. Use a ruler to determine the center of the

stabilizer. Use a square and felt-tipped pen to mark

the center line on the top of the stabilizer. This will

help in aligning the stabilizer on the fuselage later.

9. Place the hinges in the stabilizer as shown.

10. Slide the elevators in position on the stabilizer.

11. Make sure the tips of the elevators are aligned

with the tips of the stabilizer.

hinging the Elevators

Required Parts

Stabilizer and elevator assembly

Required tools and Adhesives

Pin vise

Drill bit: 1/16-inch (1.5mm)



30-minute epoxy

Low-tack tape


Felt-tipped pen

Thin CA


Mixing cups

Mixing sticks

Paper towels

Rubbing alcohol

Ruler or straight edge

1. Remove the stabilizers from the elevator. Also,

remove the elevator joiner connecting the elevators.

2. Use a pin vise and 1/16-inch (1.5mm) drill

bit to drill a hole in the center of each hinge slot.

Drill holes in both the elevators and stabilizer at

this time. This creates a tunnel for the CA to wick

into, making a better bond between the hinge and

surrounding wood.

3. Use sandpaper to roughen the ends of the joiner

wire. This provides a surface for the epoxy to bond

to when the joiner is installed.

4. Mix a small amount of epoxy. Use a toothpick to

apply the epoxy to the joiner where it contacts the


5. Use a toothpick to apply epoxy into the hole for

the joiner wire and to the exposed wood where the

joiner wire fits the elevators.