Timer operation sxt, A. meter immediate control, B. meter delayed control – Watts W110 Series User Manual
Page 10: C. time clock delayed control, D. day of the week control, E. control operation during regeneration, F. control operation during programming, G. manually initiating a regeneration, H. control operation during a power failure

Timer Operation SXT
A. Meter Immediate Control
(Not used on SXT filter systems .)
A Meter Immediate control measures water usage and regenerates
the system as soon as the calculated system capacity is depleted .
The control calculates the system capacity by dividing the unit
capacity (typically expressed in grains/unit volume) by the feedwater
hardness and subtracting the reserve . Meter Immediate systems
generally do not use a reserve volume . The control will also start a
regeneration cycle at the programmed regeneration time if a number
of days equal to the regeneratio day override pass before water
usage depletes the calculated system capacity .
B. Meter Delayed Control
(Not used on SXT filter systems .)
A Meter Delayed Control measures water usage . The system
regenerates at the programmed regeneration time after the
calculated system capacity is depleted . As with Meter Immediate
systems, the control calculates the system capacity by dividing the
unit capacity by the feedwater hardness and subtracting the reserve .
The reserve should be set to insure that the system delivers treated
water between the time the system capacity is depleted and the
actual regeneration time . A Meter Delayed control will also start a
regeneration cycle at the programmed regeneration time if a number
of days equal to the regeneration day override pass before water
usage depletes the calculated system capacity .
C. Time Clock Delayed Control
A Time Clock Delayed Control regenerates the system on a
timed interval . The control will initiate a regeneration cycle at the
programmed regeneration time when the number of days since the
last regeneration equals the regeneration day override value .
D. Day of the Week Control
This control regenerates the system on a weekly schedule . The
schedule is defined in Master programming by setting each day to
either "off" or "on" . The control will initiate a regeneration cycle on
days that have been set to "on" at the specified regeneration time .
E. Control Operation During Regeneration
During regeneration, the control displays a special regeneration
display . In this display, the control shows the current regeneration
step number the valve is advancing to, or has reached, and the time
remaining in that step . The step number that displays flashes until
the valve completes driving to this regeneration step position . Once
all regeneration steps are complete the valve returns to service and
resumes normal operation .
Pressing the Extra Cycle button during a regeneration cycle
immediately advances the valve to the next cycle step position and
resumes normal step timing .
F. Control Operation During Programming
The control only enters the Program Mode with the valve in service .
While in the Program Mode, the control continues to operate
normally monitoring water usage and keeping all displays up to date .
Control programming is stored in memory permanently .
G. Manually Initiating a Regeneration
1 . When timer is in service, press the Extra Cycle button for 5
seconds on the main screen .
2 . The timer advances to Regeneration Cycle Step #1 (backwash),
and begins programmed time count down .
3 . Press the Extra Cycle button once to advance valve to
Regeneration Cycle Step #2 (brine draw & slow rinse) . Not used
on SXT filter systems) .
4 . Press the Extra Cycle button once to advance valve to
Regeneration Cycle Step #3 (rapid rinse) .
5 . Press the Extra Cycle button once to advance valve to
Regeneration Cycle Step #4 (brine refill) . Not used on SXT filter
systems .
6 . Press the Extra Cycle button once more to advance the valve
back to in service .
NOTE: If the unit is a filter or upflow, the cycle step order
may change.
A queued regeneration can be initiated by pressing the Extra Cycle
button . To clear a queued regeneration, press the Extra Cycle button
again to cancel . If regeneration occurs for any reason prior to the
delayed regeneration time, the manual regeneration request will be
H. Control Operation During a Power Failure
The SXT includes integral power backup . In the event of power
failure, the control shifts into a power-saving mode . The control stops
monitoring water usage . The display and motor shut down, but it
continues to keep track of the time and day for a minimum of 12
hours .
The system configuration settings are stored in a non-volatile
memory and are stored indefinitely with or without power . The Time
of Day flashes when there has been a power failure . Press any
button to stop the Time of Day from flashing .
If power fails while the unit is in regeneration, the control will save the
current valve position before it shuts down . When power is restored,
the control will resume the regeneration cycle from the point where
power failed .
If power fails during a regeneration cycle, the valve will remain in it’s
current position until power is restored . The valve system should
include all required safety components to prevent overflows resulting
from a power failure during regeneration .
The control will not start a new regeneration cycle without power . If
the valve misses a scheduled regeneration due to a power failure,
it will queue a regeneration . Once power is restored, the control
will initiate a regeneration cycle the next time that the Time of Day
equals the programmed regeneration time . Typically, this means that
the valve will regenerate one day after it was originally scheduled .
If the treated water output is important and power interruptions
are expected, the system should be setup with a sufficient reserve
capacity to compensate for regeneration delays .
W110 LXT Downflow Softeners and SXT Filters