Setting the range for each gauge – Banner SureCross DX80 Wireless Networks User Manual
Page 6
To configure a specific gauge to display information, follow these steps:
1. Using the Gauge drop-down list, select a gauge to configure. Gauges one through three are available. The example shown in the
screen image is configuring gauge 1.
2. Using the radio buttons, select if this gauge will be a gauge dial, thermometer, tank level measurement, or digital display. You may
select only one option. The example shown is using a gauge.
3. Select a device from the drop-down list. This example user is configuring Node 1.
4. Select the I/O point to display on the gauge.
5. Select the I/O type to display on the gauge.
6. Click on the Apply button to save these changes. Repeat steps 1 through 6 to configure the remaining gauges.
7. Click on the Gauge Ranges tab to set the range for this gauge or click on the OK button to leave this screen.
Setting the Range for Each Gauge
Use the Gauge Ranges screen to set up the values displayed on the gauge selected on the Gauge Setup screen. Each of the four
gauges can be configured to display a different range of values.
After making any changes to the values, click on the Apply button to save the changes, then click on the OK button to close the screen
and return to the Status screen.
1. Select the I/O Type. Select the I/O Type for this gauge. The gauge type, Node, and I/O point to display is selected using the
Gauges Setup screen. In the example shown, this gauge’s I/O type is set to display relative humidity.
SureCross User Configuration Tool (UCT)
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Rev. G