Metrohm NIRS XDS MasterLab Analyzer User Manual
Page 69

If the user needs to scan a sample using the large
Sample Cell (boat), this box should be clicked. (This
resets the choice made in the “Select Tray” dialog
The user should remove the tray. Vision will position
the tray mechanism out of the way, to allow the
sample cell to be inserted.
When finished, the sample cell should be removed,
and the tray re-inserted into the Tablet mechanism.
Failure to remove the Sample Cell may cause an error
to be reported in Vision.
To reset the mechanism for Tablet trays, select Configure, Tray to return to the Select Tray dialog
box, and re-select “Use Tray”. (This was illustrated in the section immediately preceding this one.)
The “OK” button saves the settings made and closes the dialog box. When the user initiates a sample
scan, the information in the dial box will be applied.
The “Clear” button removes all data from the dialog box. The user should clear the box before entry
of information on a new tray.
Note that this clears the Sample ID, Order, and Comments. It does not clear the Product ID column.
To edit the Product ID, double click on that row and the selection list is shown.
This cancels all actions performed while the dialog box has been open. The box is closed, and
remains as it was before it was opened.