Metrohm NIRS XDS MasterLab Analyzer User Manual
Page 60

Entry Method 2:
Double-click on the upper part of the vial position, which brings up the box shown:
The Sample ID may be typed into this box. Press “Enter” when finished.
While entering Sample IDs, the user may verify or change the Product ID. To do this, double-click on
the vial position below the center of the circle.
This shows the available products, with the selected product highlighted. If the user wishes to save a
given sample to a different product, it may be set using this screen. The Product ID will be updated in
the column at the right. Note that the Product must exist (that is, it must have been created within
the Project) to be used in this manner.
In the example shown, there are two “mgstearate” products shown. One has a suffix “1” that is not
shown due to window size. In practice, the user may wish to keep the names shorter, or use a prefix
instead of a suffix to identify products.
The user may right-click on the Sample ID and Product ID column to see the product list, as shown
above. (A double-left-click also opens this list) The Product ID may be edited in this manner also.
Entry Method 3:
Click on the cell in the Sample ID column, and type the sample name directly into the cell. Be sure to
click the vial position (to turn it yellow) to make the vial position active.