Metrohm NIRS XDS MasterLab Analyzer User Manual

Page 103

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From the Diagnostics menu bar, select Low Flux

Vision asks if the user wishes to use an external
sample (standard) for the test.

Click “No” to use the internal 10% screen,
combined with the 2 AU Reference. This is
roughly 3 AU, or the overall absorbance of an
average small tablet.

Vision runs the Low Flux Test, which takes about 10 minutes. At the end, the results are displayed.
Vision applies specifications for the T05 standard. These apply to the test using the internal screen
and Reference, which are in the range of 3 AU when added together.

Do not run Low Flux Test in transmission with External Standard. This test is not supported by Vision.

Results of a typical run are shown on the next page.

A typical run is shown:

Click on the tab marked “Summary” to see the summarized results as compared to acceptance
specifications. Vision reports a pass or fail based upon successful test completion.

Results are stored in the Diagnostic Database for later recall. The user may print results, or click
“Close” to complete the test.