Operation, General information, Sect. 3 operation – Metrohm 828 IC Dual Suppressor User Manual

Page 30: 3 operation, 1 general information

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3 Operation

828 IC Dual Suppressor/ 8.828.1003 Instructions for Use


3 Operation

3.1 General information

No eluent should be pumped through the IC Dual Suppressor when it

is switched off, or if an error occurs. Errors are indicated by red LEDs

on the front panel. Faults which may occur during operation affect the

voltage and the vacuum, which may be outside their specified values.

Details can be found in Section 4 Troubleshooting - Problems.

• During the starting sequence of the instrument (Section 3.6.1) wait

until the vacuum LED lights up green before switching on the eluent


• A pressure sensor in the instrument is used as the on/off switch for

the electrolysis current of the cell. The current will only be switched

on when a defined pressure has been achieved in the system after

the instrument has been switched on, i.e. if no leaks are present. The

"Current" 4 LED lights up green. If the pressure falls below the

preset value for some time then the current will be switched off.

This ensures that current will only be applied to the cell when liquid

is flowing through the suppressor. This means that the 828 IC Dual

Suppressor can remain switched on even when no eluent is flowing

through it without being damaged. However, in such a case we do

recommend that the IC Dual Suppressor is switched off.

• The 828 IC Dual Suppressor is designed for operation with a total

flow rate of between 0.5 and 2.0 mL/min. Operating the suppressor

with flow rates outside this range may either damage it or produce

unsatisfactory results. At flow rates below 0.5 mL/min the built-up

pressure may not be sufficient to switch on the current. This can

cause the suppressor cell to become exhausted. Flow rates above

2.0 mL/min can create an overpressure in the system and alter the

ratio between the eluates at the anode, cathode and detector outlet

of the cell.