7 connecting the eluent degasser, 8 installing the high-pressure pump, Connecting the eluent degasser – Metrohm 930 Compact IC Flex Oven/SeS/PP/Deg User Manual

Page 33: Installing the high-pressure pump

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3 Installation

930 Compact IC Flex Oven/SeS/PP/Deg (2.930.2560)




Connecting the eluent degasser

The high-pressure pump cannot generate uniform flow if the eluent con-
tains small gas bubbles or dissolved gas. As a result, the baseline cannot
be stabilized correctly. In order to achieve good measurement results, the
eluent has to be degassed before it goes into the high-pressure pump.

The eluent degasser is completely connected. No installation work is


Installing the high-pressure pump

The intelligent and low-pulsation high-pressure pump pumps the eluent
through the system. It is equipped with a chip where its technical specifi-
cations and "life history" (operating hours, service data, etc.) are saved.

The high-pressure pump consists of:

The pump head, which pumps the eluent through the system.

The purge valve used for bleeding the pump head.