Metrohm 838 Advanced Sample Processor Manual User Manual

Page 83

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3.5 786 Swing Head settings

Metrohm 838 Advanced Sample Processor, Appendix


Swing radius

The swing radius depends on the length of the robotic arm

and, together with the axial distance (see above), is the most

important parameter for accurately moving to a rack position.

The distance from the robotic arm axis to the middle of the

processing head at the front of the robotic arm is decisive. The

various robotic arm models have different swing radii, see the

Instructions for Use for the 786 Swing Head.
Default values:

swing radius 112 mm

Rotation offset

The rotation offset does not normally need to be altered. It is

only used if a Swing Head is to be mounted on the tower with

a lateral displacement.
Default value:

rot. offset 0.00 mm

(do not alter)

Swing direction

In principle the swing direction of the robotic arm can be se-

lected as required. If two Swing Heads are mounted on a 2-

tower model then you must take care that the two robotic arms

do not come into conflict. For this reason the robotic arm at

Tower 1 should always be mounted so that it swings to the

right and that at Tower 2 to the left.
Right-swinging mounting means: swing direction
Left-swinging mounting means: swing direction +

Default values:

Swing direction: +

(at Tower 2, swing to the left)

Adjustment rate

When the RACK command is carried out after switch-on (rack

initialization) the robotic arm is automatically adjusted to the

zero position. If the highest possible degree of positioning ac-

curacy of the robotic arm is required the rate of the adjustment

process can be reduced. However, this also lengthens the du-

ration of the automatic adjustment process, but increases the

Default value:

Adjust rate.: normal

After the settings for the robotic arm have been entered the

key must be pressed three times. The settings become active the next

time that the instrument is switched on.