Metrohm 838 Advanced Sample Processor Manual User Manual

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4 Index


Metrohm 838 Advanced Sample Processor, Index

PUMP command .................. 38
Pump connectors ........... 31, 38
Pump control ........................ 38

Q _______________________
Quit command...................... 48

R _______________________
Rack...................................... 20
Rack adjustment................... 71
RACK command............. 45, 75
Rack data........................ 20, 65
Rack definitions .................... 20
Rack name.......... 20, 21, 27, 66
Rack offset............................ 71
Rack position........ 6, 21, 34, 36
Rack recognition............... 9, 65
Rack rotation........................... 6
Raise................................. 7, 37
RAM Init ................................ 78
Ready.................................... 30
Relative positioning .............. 36
Remarks.................................. 2
Remote control ..................... 24
Remote interface .... 8, 16, 31,

............................. 41, 43, 68

Control.............................. 51

Remote lines........................... 8
Removing dosing unit........... 62
Reserved position................. 66
Rest position..................... 5, 45
Rinse port ............................. 29
Rinse position ................. 37, 66
Rinsing height....................... 19
Rinsing solution .............. 84, 88
Rinsing volumes ................... 23
Robotic arm .................... 35, 74
Robotic arm offset ................ 74
Robotic arm position ............ 70
Rotate position................ 37, 66
Rotate rack ........................... 66
Rotating height ..................... 19
Rotating position................... 36
Rotating the sample rack........ 6
Rotation increment ............... 27
Rotation rate ......................... 27
RS232 ................................... 24
RS232 interface .......... 24, 31,

............................. 41, 42, 44

Data transmission ............ 52

RS232 settings ..................... 24
Run control ........................... 48
Run sequence .................. 5, 25
Run variable.......................... 34
Running time......................... 45
Running time meter .............. 17

S ________________________
SAMPLE................................ 50
Sample beakers.................... 25
SAMPLE command .............. 34
Sample position.................... 34
Sample rack.............. 20, 27, 64

Manual operation ............. 49

Sample rack 6.2041.450.........

....................... 81, 84, 87, 88

Sample series ....................... 25
Sample tube ......................... 64
SAMPLE variable .................. 35
Sample vessel .......... 81, 84, 88
Save rack definitions............. 21
SCAN command................... 68
SCAN timeout ....................... 30
Scanning the Remote interface

......................................... 41

Scanning the RS232 interface

......................................... 42

SCN ................................ 51, 68
SCN:Rm command .............. 41
Seconds counter .................. 45
Select method....................... 46
Select sample position ......... 34
Selecting a stirrer.................. 39
Selection ................................. 6
Selection list...................... 5, 13
Selection of the dosing device

......................................... 29

Sequence.............................. 26
Serial interface ...................... 24
Setting the Remote lines....... 43
Setting the sample position.. 50
Settings................................. 23
Setup menu .......................... 74
Shift position ......................... 49
Signal lines ........................... 31
Signals .............................. 8, 68
Spec.1................................... 35
Special beaker...... 6, 21, 34, 66
Special beaker positions ...... 35
Special height ....................... 21
Special position ........ 21, 37, 66
Standard addition ................. 80
Standard dosing port............ 29
Standard methods................ 80
Standard racks ..................... 20
Standpipe ............................. 55
Start ...................................... 25
Start method ..................... 9, 48
Start sequence ..................... 25
Status line ............................... 3
Status message.................... 44
STIR command..................... 39
Stirrer ................................ 7, 31
Stirrer connections................ 39
Stirrer control .................. 39, 50

Stirrer models 801, 804 ........ 28
Stirrer models 802, 741, 722 28
Stirrer settings....................... 28
Stirring rate ........................... 28
Stop bits ............................... 24
Stop method......................... 48
Stopcock......................... 30, 60
Stopcock rotation ................. 63
Stopping a sample series..... 10
Submenu .............................. 11
Suppressor ........................... 86
Swing angle .................... 19, 35
Swing axis............................. 74
Swing direction ..................... 75
Swing increment ................... 27
Swing radius ......................... 75
Swing range.......................... 35
Swing rate............................. 27
Swing robotic arm................. 35
Swing to the left .................... 75
Swing to the right.................. 75
Swinging range..................... 74
Switching components ......... 38
Switching the injection valve. 53
Switching together................ 39

T ________________________
Text cursor ............................ 14
Text editor ............................. 13
Text input .............................. 13
Text input mode.................... 46
Timeout................................. 30
Title line................................... 3
Titration beaker..................... 64
Tolerance.............................. 63
Trace analysis................. 80, 88
TRACE function ........ 26, 33, 80
Transmission parameters42, 44
Transmission rate ................. 24
Triggers................................. 44
Tubing................................... 23
Tubing dimensions ............... 23
Tubing parameters ............... 23
Tubing system ...................... 56

U ________________________
User dialog ........................... 72

VENT..................................... 55
Venting.................................. 55
Vertical movement rate......... 27
Voltammetric................... 80, 88
Volume............................ 40, 56

WAIT command ................ 8, 45