Metrohm 846 Driver Toolbox User Manual

Page 53

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3.1 Programming interface definitions

Dosing Interface USB Toolbox, Annex


Private Function TruncString(ByVal s As String) As String

Dim l As Long

l = InStr(s, Chr(0))

If (l > 0) Then

TruncString = Left(s, l - 1)


TruncString = s

End If

End Function

' Reads casual error messages which occur during Dosino actions.


' parameter Long IfNo Dosing Interface [1... ?]

' Long MsbNo Dosino at MSB [1... 4]

' Long ErrorNumber Error number [0... 9]

' String ByRef ErrorCode Error code, format


' G = group, C = code,

' K = class, I = index

' (1...4 or 255)

' return eReturnstate

Public Function GetInterfaceError(ByVal IfNo As Long, ByVal MsbNo As Long, _

ByVal ErrorNumber As Long, ByRef ErrorCode As String) As eReturnState

Dim temp As String

temp = String(255, vbNullChar)

GetInterfaceError = GetErr(IfNo, MsbNo, ErrorNumber, temp, 255)

ErrorCode = TruncString(temp)

End Function

' Get the program version of the 846 Dosing Interface


' parameter Long IfNo Dosing Interface [1... ?]

' String ByRef ProgramVersion Text string of program version

' return eReturnstate

Public Function GetProgramVersion(ByVal IfNo As Long, _

ByRef ProgramVersion As String) As eReturnState

Dim temp As String

temp = String(255, vbNullChar)

GetProgramVersion = GetProgVer(IfNo, temp, 255)

ProgramVersion = TruncString(temp)

End Function