Metrohm 846 Driver Toolbox User Manual

Page 52

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3.1 Programming interface definitions


Dosing Interface USB Toolbox, Annex

' Empties the Buret Unit. Dosing cylinder and tubings are emptied in one

' automated process.


' parameter Long IfNo Dosing Interface [1... ?]

' Long MsbNo Dosino at MSB [1... 4]

' Long InPort Filling port [1... 4]

' Single InVolume Fill tube volume

' [0... 20000 mm^3]

' Single InRate Filling rate

' [0.01... 166 mL/min]

' Long OutPort Output port 1 [1... 4]

' Single OutVolume Dosing tube volume on Output

' port 1 [0... 20000 mm^3]

' Single OutRate Dosing rate on Output port 1

' [0.01... 166 mL/min]

' Long SpecPort Output port 2 [1... 4]

' Single SpecVolume Dosing tube volume on Output

' port 2 [0... 20000 mm^3]

' Single SpecRate Dosing rate on Output port 1

' [0.01... 166 mL/min]

' return eReturnstate

Declare Function DU_Empty Lib "846_Dosing_Interface.dll" _

(ByVal IfNo As Long, ByVal MsbNo As Long, ByVal InPort As Long, _

ByVal InVolume As Single, ByVal InRate As Single, ByVal OutPort As Long, _

ByVal OutVolume As Single, ByVal OutRate As Single, _

ByVal SpecPort As Long, ByVal SpecVolume As Single, _

ByVal SpecRate As Single) As eReturnState

' Reads the stop condition of a Dosino action.


' parameter Long IfNo Dosing Interface [1... ?]

' Long MsbNo Dosino at MSB [1... 4]

' Long ByRef StopType Stop type of the last action

' return eReturnstate

Declare Function GetStopType Lib "846_Dosing_Interface.dll" _

(ByVal IfNo As Long, ByVal MsbNo As Long, ByRef StopType As Long) _

As eReturnState

' Reads the serial number of a Dosing Interface. The serial number can be

' used as a unique identifier of an instrument.


' parameter Long IfNo Dosing Interface [1... ?]

' Long ByRef InterfaceId Serial number of Dosing

' Interface

' return eReturnstate

Declare Function GetInterfaceId Lib "846_Dosing_Interface.dll" _

(ByVal IfNo As Long, ByRef InterfaceId As Long) As eReturnState

Declare Function GetErr Lib "846_Dosing_Interface.dll" Alias "GetInterfaceError" _

(ByVal IfNo As Long, ByVal MsbNo As Long, ByVal number As Long, _

ByVal buf As String, ByVal bufCapacity As Long) As eReturnState

Declare Function GetProgVer Lib "846_Dosing_Interface.dll" _

Alias "GetProgramVersion" _

(ByVal IfNo As Long, ByVal buf As String, ByVal bufCapacity As Long) _

As eReturnState