Metrohm 846 Driver Toolbox User Manual
Page 39
3.1 Programming interface definitions
Dosing Interface USB Toolbox, Annex
// long ErrorBufSize Number of characters of
// ErrorCode including a
// terminating null character
// (at least 14)
// return eReturnstate
DllDirection eReturnstate __stdcall GetInterfaceError(long IfNo, long MsbNo,
long ErrorNumber,
char* ErrorCode,
long ErrorBufSize);
// Reads the stop condition of a Dosino action.
// parameter long IfNo Dosing Interface [1... ?]
// long MsbNo Dosino at MSB [1... 4]
// long& StopType Stop type of the last action
// return eReturnstate
DllDirection eReturnstate __stdcall GetStopType(long IfNo, long MsbNo,
long &StopType);
// Reads the serial number of a Dosing Interface. The serial number can be used
// as a unique identifier of an instrument.
// parameter long IfNo Dosing Interface [1... ?]
// long& InterfaceId Serial number of Dosing
// Interface
// return eReturnstate
DllDirection eReturnstate __stdcall GetInterfaceId(long IfNo,
long &InterfaceId);
// Get the program version of the 846 Dosing Interface
// parameter long IfNo Dosing Interface [1... ?]
// char* ProgramVersion Text string of program version
// long ProgVerBufSize Number of characters of
// ProgramVersion including a
// terminating null character
// return eReturnstate
DllDirection eReturnstate __stdcall GetProgramVersion(long IfNo,
char* ProgramVersion,
long ProgVerBufSize);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // Dosinginterface846_h