Metrohm 846 Driver Toolbox User Manual
Page 49

3.1 Programming interface definitions
Dosing Interface USB Toolbox, Annex
' parameter Long IfNo Dosing Interface [1... ?]
' Long MsbNo Dosino at MSB [1... 4]
' Long Port Target Dosino port [1... 4]
' eCockMove Move Turning direction of the
' valve disk
' Long NotOver protected Dosino port [1... 4]
' return eReturnstate
Declare Function DU_Cock Lib "846_Dosing_Interface.dll" _
(ByVal IfNo As Long, ByVal MsbNo As Long, ByVal Port As Long, _
ByVal Move As eCockMove, ByVal NotOver As Long) As eReturnState
' Moves the piston of the Dosino to zero position and initializes the drive.
' parameter Long IfNo Dosing Interface [1... ?]
' Long MsbNo Dosino at MSB [1... 4]
' Single RevRate Filling rate of piston
' [0.01...166mL/min]
' return eReturnstate
Declare Function ZeroAdjust Lib "846_Dosing_Interface.dll" _
(ByVal IfNo As Long, ByVal MsbNo As Long, ByVal RevRate As Single) _
As eReturnState
' Eliminate slack of piston coupling. This function can be used, when the
' direction of the piston movement is about to be changed.
' parameter Long IfNo Dosing Interface [1... ?]
' Long MsbNo Dosino at MSB [1... 4]
' eDirection Direction Direction of the desired
' piston movement.
' return eReturnstate
Declare Function Adjust Lib "846_Dosing_Interface.dll" _
(ByVal IfNo As Long, ByVal MsbNo As Long, ByVal Direction As eDirection) _
As eReturnState
' Move the piston to an absolute position. The full stroke of the piston is
' subdivided in 10000 positions.
' parameter Long IfNo Dosing Interface [1... ?]
' Long MsbNo Dosino at MSB [1... 4]
' Long Position Absolute piston position
' [0... 10000]
' Single Rate Dosing rate
' [0.01... 166 mL/min]
' return eReturnstate
Declare Function GoPos Lib "846_Dosing_Interface.dll" _
(ByVal IfNo As Long, ByVal MsbNo As Long, ByVal Position As Long, _
ByVal Rate As Single) As eReturnState
' Move piston to the mechanical end position. This function can be used to
' remove any air bubbles from the cylinder.
' parameter Long IfNo Dosing Interface [1... ?]
' Long MsbNo Dosino at MSB [1... 4]
' Single FwdRate Dosing rate
' [0.01... 166 mL/min]
' return eReturnstate
Declare Function DU_ToEnd Lib "846_Dosing_Interface.dll" _
(ByVal IfNo As Long, ByVal MsbNo As Long, ByVal FwdRate As Single) _