Metrohm 846 Driver Toolbox User Manual
Page 43

3.1 Programming interface definitions
Dosing Interface USB Toolbox, Annex
(* Dose a specified volume via the actual port. Dosing rate, filling rate, *)
(* filling port and piston direction can be chosen. *)
(* With reverse piston direction it is possible to aspirate a desired volume. *)
(* In this case the filling port is used as outlet port. *)
(* The dosing can be hold, continued and stopped. *)
(* *)
(* parameter LONG IfNo Dosing Interface [1... ?] *)
(* LONG MsbNo Dosino at MSB [1... 4] *)
(* LONG FillPort Filling port *)
(* FLOAT Volume Dosing volume *)
(* [0... 99999.99 mL] *)
(* eDirection Direction Direction of piston movement *)
(* FLOAT FwdRate Dosing rate *)
(* [0.01... 166 mL/min] *)
(* FLOAT RevRate Filling rate *)
(* [0.01... 166 mL/min] *)
(* return eReturnstate *)
FUNCTION DU_MakeStep(IfNo,MsbNo : LONG; FillPort : LONG;
Volume : FLOAT; Direction : eDirection;
FwdRate,RevRate : FLOAT) : eReturnState;
(* Fill the cylinder from a specified port. *)
(* Filling can be held and continued, but not stopped. *)
(* *)
(* parameter LONG IfNo Dosing Interface [1... ?] *)
(* LONG MsbNo Dosino at MSB [1... 4] *)
(* LONG Port Fill port [1..4] *)
(* FLOAT RevRate Filling rate *)
(* [0.01... 166 mL/min] *)
(* return eReturnstate *)
FUNCTION DU_Fill(IfNo,MsbNo,port : LONG; RevRate : FLOAT) : eReturnState;
(* Prepares the Dosing Unit for exchange. The cylinder is filled from the *)
(* specified port and then the valve disk is turned to port 2. *)
(* This action can be held and continued, but not stopped. *)
(* *)
(* parameter LONG IfNo Dosing Interface [1... ?] *)
(* LONG MsbNo Dosino at MSB [1... 4] *)
(* LONG Port Fill port [1..4] *)
(* FLOAT RevRate Filling rate *)
(* [0.01... 166 mL/min] *)
(* return eReturnstate *)
FUNCTION DU_Exchange(IfNo,MsbNo,Port : LONG; RevRate : FLOAT)
: eReturnState; STDCALL; EXTERNAL dllName;
(* Reads the status of a Dosino drive. *)
(* *)
(* parameter LONG IfNo Dosing Interface [1... ?] *)
(* LONG MsbNo Dosino at MSB [1... 4] *)
(* eDosinoState VAR DosinoState status of the Dosino drive *)
(* return eReturnstate *)
FUNCTION Status(IfNo,MsbNo : LONG; VAR DosinoState : eDosinoState)
: eReturnState; STDCALL; EXTERNAL dllName;