1 introduction, 1 instrument description, 2 parts and controls – Metrohm 845 Eluent Synthesizer User Manual

Page 7: Introduction, Instrument description, Parts and controls

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1.1 Instrument description

845 Eluent Synthesizer / Instructions for Use 8.845. 8001EN


1 Introduction

The 845 Eluent Synthesizer and its associated «Mix Control» soft-

ware can be used for the fully automatic preparation of solutions and

mixtures such as eluents, mobile phases, buffer solutions or standards

with the required concentration and component ratios.
The 845 Eluent Synthesizer is based on the Dosino technology which

allows high-precision dosing to be carried out. Both aqueous (acidic or

basic) and organic mixtures can be prepared. The system (with an op-

tional extension) can also be used to adjust the pH.

1.1 Instrument


Two versions of the instrument are available :


845 Eluent Synthesizer with one Dosino


845 Eluent Synthesizer with two Dosinos

The 2.845.0010 Eluent Synthesizer with one Dosino can be used to mix

together three components (of which one is the main component).

The 2.845.0020 Eluent Synthesizer with two Dosinos can be used to

mix together five components (of which one is the main component).
Both versions contain a built-in magnetic stirrer The software «Mix Con-

trol» is supplied with the instrument.
The 2.702.0120 Eluent Synthesizer Package for the automatic pH ad-

justment is offered as an option. In addition to a 702 Titrino this also

contains an Aquatrode, a 10 mL exchange unit and a Remote Box (see

Section 5.2.3).
The 845 Eluent Synthesizer is connected to a PC via a USB and ope-

rated with the «Mix Control» PC software provided. The operation of the

software is described in the online help and in Section 3 of these In-

structions for Use.

1.2 Parts



In this Section you will find the numbers and designations of the parts

and controls of the 845 Eluent Synthesizer. The numbering applies

throughout the Instructions for Use, i.e. bold numbers in the text (e.g.


) refer to the parts and controls illustrated here.