2 components, Components, 2). th – Metrohm 845 Eluent Synthesizer User Manual
Page 31
3.4 Configuration
845 Eluent Synthesizer / Instructions for Use 8.845. 8001EN
Note [ empty ]
Notes field for the Component (e.g. for pH information).
Max. 254 characters.
3.4.2 Components
General information about components
Components are defined in the Depot (see section 3.4.1) .
Components as related to the «Mix Control» software are the liquids
which are connected to the instrument.
Relationship Dosinos - Components
Dosinos form part of the instrument and are responsible for the accu-
rate delivery of the particular volumes of the Components. They are at-
tached to 50 mL Dosing Units.
Whether your instrument is equipped with one or two Dosinos depends
on the particular instrument version. Version 2.845.0010 has one Dosi-
no, Version 2.845.0020 two Dosinos.
The Component connected to connection 1 ("Component 1") is the
Main Component (in the case of two Dosinos, it is the Main Compo-
nent for both Dosinos). After the end of an action (mixing or rinsing) the
Dosino is always filled with the Main Component (except after a rins-
ing process "Empty components" with activated Main Component:
the Dosino is then empty).
Dosino 1
Dosino 2
Main Component
Component 1
Component 1
Component 2
Component 4
Further Components
Component 3
Component 5
The number of the component correspond to the number of the com-
ponent connection 5.
For the work with version 2.845.0020:
If two
Components - in addition to the Main Component - are used,
it is recommended to connect these two
Components to the same
Dosino (Connections 2 and 3, or 4 and 5).
Main Component (Component 1)
The following conditions apply for the Main Component:
• In the Depot the
Component 1
must always be defined as it is
used (at the end of each mixing process) to fill to the
Total Volume
given in the Method (see section 3.3).
• The volume calculated in the Method for
Component 1
must be at
least 70 mL if one Dosino is used; with two Dosinos it must be at
least 140 mL.