More information, Changing the power level, Reset fee – Bully Dog 40450 GTT+ User Manual
Page 43: Performance testing software

MoRe InfoRMAtIon
Changing the Power Level
The power level tunes on the GT T+ gas are based on the octane of the fuel being run in the vehicle.
There are some times when this setting does need to be changed, like when filling the tank with a different octane than previously used
before. Complete the following steps to change the power level tune setting:
1. Make the same preparations and take the same precautions as when you initially installed the tune. See pages 34-36 for more information.
2. Choose Install Download from the Main Menu.
3. Follow the onscreen instructions.
4. Choose Change Vehicle Settings when you are prompted to choose between that option and “Return to Stock”.
5. Continue following the onscreen instructions until the GT T+ indicates that the process is complete.
The illustration below is an example of one of the times during the installation when it is vital that the power is not interrupted and
the tuner is not disconnected from the vehicle:
Reset Fee
Why is This Policy in Place?
In the past, our technical support department has
been flooded with people needing to reset their tun-
ers. Because of this, we were not able to support the
other people who needed help. The extra calls were
coming for two different reasons:
1. Despite our best attempts to educate customers about
the importance of uninstalling the tune before selling
their vehicle or having it serviced, people did not remem-
ber or did not take seriously the requirement of returning
their vehicle to stock and were calling in repeatedly.
2. Some dishonest people were installing the tune on
multiple vehicles and calling in to have the unit reset in between each tune. The tuners are designed to only be installed on one vehicle at a time.
Once the policy for the reset fee was created, the number of calls to request tuner resets was significantly reduced and we were able to
improve our support to everybody.
The reset process is relatively simple and a technician can help you complete the reset over the phone.
Performance Testing Software ......
This software allows you to download saved Performance Testing data from your GT T+ to your computer and display the information as
a graph for easy analysis.
You will be able to get graphs and raw Excel data for: speed, RPM, horsepower, and torque. You can print drag racing time slips, save and rename
tests, and download up to 20 tests from your GT T+ at one time.
to download this free software
IMPORTANT NOTE: This option actively reprograms the tune on your vehicle’s engine computer. There are certain times when disconnecting or interrupting power
to the GT T+ can interfere with the engine computer programming process. If the engine write is interrupted, the programming on your engine computer can be
corrupted. This can cause your vehicle not to start and possibly even require the ECM to be replaced.