Micro 400 safety light curtain, Msr45e relay expansion module, Basic configuration – Rockwell Automation 440R MSR42 Control Module User Manual User Manual

Page 7: Installation, Mounting location, Cable and wires, Supply voltage, Original instructions

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MSR42 Control Module User Manual

Original instructions

Table 3

The response time of the device under a specific configuration can be
found in the configuration control document (see configuration
software manual)

Micro 400 safety light curtain

The light curtain response time t(LC) is a part of the response time for
the OSSD outputs. The label of the Micro 400 shows the worst case
response time which occurs when the MSR42 runs active double scan
filter (default). Using a single scan yields a faster response time but this
makes the light curtain more vulnerable to ambient light. The light
curtain response time t(LC) with the double scan filter can be found in
the Micro 400 manual and with/without double scan filter in the
configuration control document (see configuration software manual).
The configuration control document gets generated by the MSR42
Software “Configuration & Diagnostic Tool”. Therefore the light curtain
resolution and protective field height has to be entered.

The response time for the MSR42 main module (OSSD safety outputs)
with respect to the Micro 400 light curtain t(totLCOSSD) is the sum of
the controller response time t(C) + the response time of the light curtain
t(LC) + ,the stop delay time t(delay) (if a delay is configured and selected
for the Micro 400).

Output OSSD

t(totLCOSSD) = t(C) + t(LC) + t(delay)

Output relay extension module

The response time for the MSR45E expansion module (relay safety
output) with respect to the Micro 400 light curtain is the sum of the
OSSD response time and the response time of the extension module.

t(totLCEXT) = t(totLCOSSD) + t(em)

Other safety components connected
to GPIO terminals

The response time of the MSR42 control module OSSD safety outputs
with respect to the safety components connected to the GPIO terminals
is the sum of the controller response time and the response time of the
Micro 400 light curtain, the safety component evaluation time, the
response time of the external connected safety components and the stop
delay time (if delay is configured and selected for the safety components).

t(totSCOSSD) = t(C) + t(LC) + t(GPIO) + t(SCext) + t(delay)

MSR45E relay expansion module

The response time for the MSR45E extension module (safety relay
output) with respect to the safety components connected on the GPIO
terminals t(totSCEXT) is the sum of the main module response time
t(totSCOSSD) + and the response time of the extension module t(em).

t(totSCEXT) = t(totSCOSSD) + t(em)

Basic configuration

The maximum controller response time t(C) for the MSR42 control
module is given in chapter 14 However, depending from the connected
Micro 400 light curtain, the response time may be faster. The exact value
can be read out from the configuration control document, created with
the Configuration & Diagnostic Tool software.


For proper installation and connection, please consult the relevant laws
and regulations. The safety officer of the manufacturing facilities, the
local authorities (OSHA in USA, HSE in GB) or the respective industry
associations are available for any safety related queries. The requirements
of the safety regulations of electrical engineering, the local employer’s
liability insurance association and the international standard IEC 60204
are to be taken into full consideration. In the following chapters the
installation of all possible safety components, which can in general be
connected to a MSR42 control module, is also described. Which safety
component has to be connected to guarantee a faultless function is
printed in the corresponding configuration control document for the
MSR42 control module.

Mounting location

The MSR42 control modules must be mounted in a control cabinet
which is sealed to at least IP54. The units must be snapped onto a 35 mm
mounting rail, which is grounded. If it is used outside of a control cabinet
housing with a protection category of IP54 and a mounting rail
capability is recommend.

Cable and wires

The wires from the MSR42 control module must be securely separated
and guided away from the wires of the relay section (MSR45E expander
module). In the case of high EMC levels shielded cables may be required
to preserve signal integrity.

Supply voltage

To safeguard the controller, the +24 V terminal should be protected with
an external 5 A fuse. The controller and the machine should be off-line
before beginning the installation. The supply voltage must conform to
the requirements of EN 60204-1, it must bridge a 20 ms interruption of
the supply network. When considering the supply voltage, it must be one
of the following: SELV (Safety-Extra-Low-Voltage) or PELV (Protective-
Extra-Low-Voltage) in accordance with IEC 364-4-41.


Maximum relay extension module response time for the safety
components on GPIO


If authorized personnel reconfigure the
controller using the USB/optical Interface
(445L-AF6150), then depending on the
configuration the response times may be
increased. So it is very important that
after every new configuration to proceed
according chapter “Customer
Configurations” on page 3.