Arming and disarming – 3D Robotics X8-M User Manual

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Arming and disarming are important steps that must be completed before takeoff and after
landing. There are two steps to arming the X8: the safety button and the throttle stick.


The arming and disarming procedures ensure that you
can safety start and stop motors without risk of injury.

The X8’s motors will spin when armed! Make sure the
propellers are clear of any obstructions, including your
hands, before arming.

Do not handle the propellers or pick up the copter while
the safety button is
active (solid red).

When you’re ready to fly, place the copter at
a clear launch point, with the blue arms facing
away from you.

Press and hold the safety button until it displays solid red.
This indicates that the X8 is now active. Stand back!

Motors inactive, safe to handle

Motors active, deactivate before handling

To arm the motors, hold the left stick
down/right until the motors spin.

To disarm the motors, hold the left stick
down/left until the motors stop.

Press and hold the safety button until it blinks red.
The motors are now inactive, and the X8 is safe to

Arming and Disarming

Before arming, check the status LED. Before you fly, wait for the autopilot to acquire GPS
lock. The LED will flash blue while the X8 acquires GPS; this can take a few minutes. Once
you see the flashing green LED, the autopilot has acquired GPS lock.

Autopilot ready, GPS locked

Autopilot ready, no GPS

Initializing, please wait.

Pre-arm check failure, see page 39.