3D Robotics 3DR Hexa-to-Y6 Conversion Kit User Manual
3D Robotics Air equipment

Introducing the 3DR Y6 – an exciting new option in the 3D
Robotics product lineup. With its lightweight and compact
design, the Y6 provides enhanced agility and stability in all
conditions, an open-view camera platform, and operational
redundancy to withstand in-flight motor failure. This manual
will guide you through the process of transforming your 3DR
Hexa into a Y6.
3DR Hexa-to-Y6 Conversion Kit
Thank you for purchasing a 3DR Y6 conversion package!
This kit contains:
Metal hex nut
Co-axial motor mounting plate
C-type landing gear
19 mm hollow spacer
18 mm threaded hex spacer
25 mm stainless steel bolt
5 mm black nylon bolt
You will also need:
A fully assembled 3DR Hexa-C or Hexa-B
Phillips screwdriver (small)
5.5 mm (7/32) wrench
Threadlock compound
Deconstruct frame
Make sure to save your parts during the following steps. We’ll
reuse them later in the conversion process.
11 x 4.7 normal propeller
(+1 spare)
11 x 4.7 pusher propeller
First deconstruct your Hexa’s frame to allow us to alter the configuration
of the motors and arms.
Remove legs
Remove the two bolts securing leg to the arm. Repeat for all three legs.
Separate stack-ups, APM, and mounting plate
Unscrew the top four bolts of the stack.
Remove top plate. Disconnect any cables
connected to your APM.
Unscrew spacers; remove bottom stack-up
plate (with APM).
Remove remaining spacers and thumbnuts
to detach mounting plate.
Disconnect ESCs
Disconnect electronic speed controller (ESC) three-wire cables from power
distribution board (PDB) signal pins. Disconnect ESC Deans connectors from
Deans connectors on PDB.
Disconnect ESC bullet connectors from motor cables; cut zip ties attaching ESC
to arm. Repeat for all six ESCs.
Note: If you soldered ESCs directly to motor cables, you’ll need to cut the cables
between ESCs and motors attached to arms we will remove in the next step.
Wait to resolder until you’ve verified motor spin direction.
Create the Y
Detach extra arms
Remove propellers
Unscrew nut; remove spacer and propeller. Repeat for all six propellers.
Disconnect motors
Remove two bolts attaching motor to arm. Repeat for all six motors.
Remove three black arms, leaving one black arm directly to the right of the
blue arms.
For each extra arm, remove the two bolts securing arm to frame. Remove
motors completely from detached arms.
Blue arms: keep!
extra black
Move blue arm
Move to position
directly across
Detach the blue arm adjacent to remaining black arm. Move to position
directly across frame. Reattach to frame in new position using the same two
bolts. Your copter’s arms should now form an evenly spaced Y.
Blue arms
Black arm
Black arm
Blue arm
Blue arm
©2013 3D Robotics
Safety Check! Disconnect battery before modifying your copter.