Finishing the panels – USG SHEETROCK Gypsum Panels User Manual
Page 18
13 First Coat, Fasteners
For each fastener depression,
apply joint compound with 5
knife. Holding the blade almost
flush with the panel, draw the joint
compound across a fastener head
and the dimple surrounding it.
Then raise the knife blade to a
more upright position and
scrape off excess with a second
stroke at a right angle to the first
stroke. Compound should be
level with panel surface.
To determine if fasteners are
properly seated prior to finish-
ing, draw clean knife over each
fastener. If metallic ring occurs,
drive fastener below surface,
being careful not to break paper.
14 First Coat, Outside Corners and
Metal Trim
Apply joint compound with 8
knife onto one flange of the
corner bead. Work down the
entire length of the bead. Hold
knife at 45° angle and smooth
compound—one edge of knife
riding the metal, the other on the
surface of the panel. Compound
should extend onto panel a
minimum of 4
Љ. Repeat applica-
tion for other flange. Use same
application method for metal
After filling first flange, the
metal corner edge may have
some lumps of joint compound.
To remove, run 8
Љ blade up the
bead while also moving it to the
side. In this way, the compound
is continuously moved aside as
it is scraped off.
Finishing the Panels