Titus Pneumatic Controls for Dual Duct Terminals IOM User Manual
Page 5
PNEU-DD-IOM-5.0 8-9-02
Cold Inlet Sensor Calibration
Hot inlet controller / discharge
sensor. For Constant Air Volume.
To adjust until Total CFM:
If the desired (VP) is less than
0 . 5 i n c h e s W . G . , s e t t h e
t h e r m o s t a t s w i t c h o n t h e
control to DA/COLD. If greater
than 0.5”, set switch to RA/
Apply zero PSI pressure to the
thermostat connection on the
hot deck controller. Place a
manometer gauge across the
balancing tees at the hot deck
I f t h e m a n o m e t e r g a u g e
reading matches the required
differential from the calibration
c u r v e ( P a g e 6 a n d 7 ) , n o
adjustment is necessary.
If adjustment is necessary,
rotate LO knob for DA or HI
knob for RA until the gauge
reads the required differential
pressure from the curve.
B. Reverse Acting Thermostat Air
Flow Adjustment
Cold inlet controller. Be sure the
cold inlet damper assumes a fully
closed position during non-cooling
c o n d i t i o n s . A p p l y 1 5 - 2 5 P S I
p r e s s u r e t o t h e t h e r m o s t a t
c o n n e c t i o n o f t h e c o l d i n l e t
controller. If the cold inlet damper
does not fully close, adjust LO air
flow knob until the damper closes.
Allow several seconds for the
controls to react to system pressure
and stabilize.
To adjust cold deck maximum CFM.
Apply 0 PSI to the thermostat
connection on the cold deck
controller. Place a manometer
g a u g e a c r o s s t h e
balancing tees at the cold deck
I f t h e m a n o m e t e r g a u g e
reading matches the required
differential pressure from the
calibration curve (Page 6 and
7), no adjustment is necessary.
If adjustment is necessary, use
the adjusting tool stored in the
face of the controller (Titus II
only) or a standard flat-blade
Rotate the maximum HI knob
slowly. A delay in response
time has been deliberately built
i n t o t h e c o n t r o l s t o a v o i d
hunting. Allow several seconds
for controls to react and the
system to stabilize. Rotate the
knob until the gauge shows the
required differential pressure.
N O T E : I f t h e a c t u a t o r f a i l s t o
r e s p o n d , s e e G u i d e t o S e r v i c e
Procedures .
Hot inlet controller / discharge
sensor. For Variable Air Volume.
To adjust Min./Mix CFM:
Apply 8.0 PSI pressure to the
thermostat connection of the
hot deck controller.
If min./mix CFM equals zero,
the hot inlet damper should
assume a closed position. If
not, adjust minimum LO knob
on the hot inlet controller until
the damper closes.
If min./mix CFM is a non-zero
value, place a manometer
gauge across the balancing
tees of the hot deck inlet. If the
pressure matches the required
differential from the calibration
c u r v e ( P a g e 6 a n d 7 ) , n o
adjustment is necessary.
If adjustment is necessary,
rotate the minimum LO knob
until the gauge shows t h e
required differential pressure.
To adjust hot deck maximum:
Apply 15-25 PSI pressure to
the thermostat connection on
the hot deck controller. Place a
manometer gauge across the
balancing tees at the hot deck
I f t h e m a n o m e t e r g a u g e
reading matches the required
differential from the calibration
c u r v e ( P a g e 6 a n d 7 ) , n o
adjustment is necessary.
If adjustment is necessary,
rotate the maximum HI knob
slowly. Rotate the knob until
the gauge reads the required
differential pressure from the
Hot inlet controller / discharge
sensor. For Constant Air Volume.
To adjust unit Total CFM:
If the desired (VP) is less than
0 . 5 i n c h e s W . G . , s e t t h e
t h e r m o s t a t s w i t c h o n t h e
control to DA/COLD. If greater
than 0.5”, set switch to RA/
Apply zero PSI pressure to the
thermostat connection on the
cold deck controller. Place a
manometer gauge across the
balancing tees at the hot deck
I f t h e m a n o m e t e r g a u g e
reading matches the required
differential from the calibration
c u r v e ( P a g e 6 a n d 7 ) , n o
adjustment is necessary.
If adjustment is necessary,
rotate LO knob for DA or HI
knob for RA until the gauge
reads the required differential
pressure from the curve.
C. After Flow Rates are Adjusted
Replace the thermostat connection
at the controller, if it has been
removed during the adjustment
Remove the differential pressure
gauge and replace the caps on the
tees in the HI and LO tubes.
NOTE: The controller will not operate
if these caps are left off.
Return the adjustment tool to its
socket in the face of the controller.
R e p l a c e t h e c o v e r s o v e r t h e