Titus Single Duct Terminal IOM User Manual
Installation manual, Single duct vav terminals

Installation Manual
Single Duct VAV Terminals
Receiving Inspection
After unpacking the terminal, check it for
shipping damage. If any shipping
damage is found, report it immediately
to the delivering carrier. Store units in a
clean, dry location prior to installation.
Caution: Do not use the flow sensor,
connecting tubing, or damper shaft
linkage as a handle to lift or move
a s s e m b l y. Da m a g e t o t h e fl o w
sensor or controls may result.
Supporting the Assembly
Many basic single duct terminals are
light enough to be supported by the duct
work itself. Where heavier accessory
modules, such as DDC controls, coils,
attenuators, or multiple outlets are
i n c l u d e d , t h e t e r m i n a l s h o u l d b e
supported directly. Straps screwed
directly into the side of the terminal,
threaded rod through the opti onal
hanger brackets (see Figure 1), or the
method prescribed for the rect angular
duct on the job specifications may be
Important: If equipped with pneumatic
controls, the terminal must be mounted
right side up. It must be level within
+ or - 10 degrees of horizontal, both
parallel to the air flow and at the right
angle of air flow. The control side of the
terminal is la b e l e d wi t h a n a r r o w
indicating UP. The first letter of the
model number (P) indicates pneumatic
controls. Most electronic units (A- analog
controls and D-digital controls) can be
installed in any orientation. Check with
the local TITUS representative for
Duct Connections
Slip each inlet duct over the inlet collar
of the terminal. Fasten and seal the
connection by the method prescri bed by
the job specification.
The diameter of the inlet duct "D" in
inches must be equal to the listed size
of the terminal; e.g. a duct that actually
measures 8 inches must be fitted to a
size 8 terminal. The inlet collar of the
terminal is made 1/8 inch smaller than
listed size in order to fit inside the duct
(see Figure 1).
Note: Do not insert duct work inside
the inlet collar of the assembly.
duct should be installed in accordance
with SMACNA guidelines.
Th e o u t l e t e n d o f t h e t e r m i n a l i s
designed for use with slip and drive duct
connections. A rectangular duct the size
o f t h e t e r m i n a l o u t l e t s h o u l d b e
If single-point electronic velocity sensor
is used, 3 to 5 inlet duct diameters of
straight duct should be provided at the
terminal inlet; for specific guidelines,
consult the manufacturer’s installation
material. Sensor(s) may be attached to
the inside of control enclosure for
protection during shipping. Sensor must
be inserted in inlet duct of terminal
b e f o r e o p e r a t i o n . R e m o v e a n y
protective plastic devices from tip of
sensor before installation.
Figure 1. Single Duct Recommended Hanger Bracket Locations
2" TYP
2" TYP
2" TYP
Hanger Bracket
1 1/2" TYP
1 1/2" TYP
1 1/2" TYP
1 1/2" TYP