Heavy duty plastic lockers – 40000 series, Sloping hood installation instructions – Salsbury Industries 40000 Series Heavy Duty Plastic Lockers User Manual

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Heavy Duty Plastic Lockers – 40000 Series

Sloping Hood Installation Instructions

The Slope Tops are shipped in two (2) standard lengths of 1-wide (12”) and 3-wide (36”) to fit the lockers without any cutting or trimming. Wall strips

will be either 12” or 36” in length. The color of the wall strips may vary, but they are not visible after installation.

1. Drill two (2) 3/16” diameter clearance holes through the top of

each of the installed lockers as shown in the illustration below,

making sure that the holes are located 1-1/4” from the front edge of

the locker. This dimension is critical to ensure proper installation.


2. Position the wall strip (or strips) on top of the lockers flush against

the wall as shown in the illustration to the right. Measure, scribe and
drill 1/4” mounting holes into the wall strip as follows:

CONCRETE or BLOCK WALLS: Put two (2) holes 1” in from each

end of each 12” wall strip. Do the same for each 36” wall strip and
put a third (3


) hole in the center. The holes must be located at least

1-1/4” from the bottom edge of the wall strip. Use a 3/16” diameter

masonry drill bit and 1/4” x 2-1/4” long Tapcon screws to fasten the

wall strip to the wall.

STUD WALLS: Drill the mounting holes at every stud location

covered by the wall strip. The holes must be located at least 1-1/4”

from the bottom edge of the wall strip. Anchor the wall strip to the
wall with 1/4” x 1-3/4” long pan head screws.

NOTE: The 12” wide wall strips are too short to span two (2)

studs in a conventionally framed wall.



1010 East 62


Street, Los Angeles, CA 90001-1598

Phone: 1-800-562-5377 Int’l Phone: 323-846-6700

Fax: 1-800-562-5399 Int’l Fax: 323-846-6800 engineering


Installation instructions are provided as general guidelines. It is advised that a professional installer be consulted. Salsbury Industries assumes no product assembly or installation liability.

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