S&S Cycle Sidewinder 3 5⁄8 Big Bore Cylinders for Harley-Davidson Sportster Models—1986–2003 User Manual
Page 9
• Incorrect connecting rod side play may cause excessive rod side thrusting and potential damage to rods, flywheels and other engine
• Connecting rod bearing and cage assemblies that are wider than female rod may become damaged upon contact with flywheel thrust
pads. Abrasive particles from damaged rod bearings may circulate in oil and cause damage to other engine parts.
J. Finish assembling flywheels and rods.
K. Check flywheel assembly for run out by placing ends of mainshafts between centers. Place dial indicators on bearing surfaces of
mainshafts. See Picture 9, below. True wheels as needed. S&S trues flywheel assemblies to .0005" or less runout on either mainshaft
bearing surface. However Harley-Davidson® factory specs call for .001" runout and this is acceptable.
• When truing flywheels, runout measurements must be taken on mainshaft bearing surfaces. Do not take measurements on flywheel rims. Flywheel
rim will show runout that is not a valid indication of mainshaft concentricity.
• Do not install flywheels and final assemble crankcases until clearances are checked in Step 9.
9. Crankcase and Piston Skirt Clearancing (All)
NOTE: Many of the clearancing operations described in this section can be done simultaneously as the same set-ups are used. Please read this entire
section before beginning work.
Insufficient clearance between connecting rods and crankcases, pistons and flywheels, and between the two pistons will cause contact
and damage to components.
A. Connecting Rod Clearance - Front and rear of flywheel cavity inside crankcases and cylinder spigots must be clearanced for connecting
rods. See Pictures 10, below left, and 11, below right. Procedure to check these points is performed as follows:
1. Mock up flywheel assembly in right crankcase half with bearings, etc. in place.
2. Assemble pistons without rings on their proper connecting rods, and place connecting rods on crankpin. Installation of wristpin clips
is not necessary.
Picture 9
Picture 10
Picture 11