Confirmation, 1 method of operation – Retsch PM GrindControl User Manual
Page 7

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Method of Oper ation
2.1 Method of Operation
Pos : 3.3 /00020 BD A Software/20005 PM GC Kapitelsamml ung/Warnhinweis e/Hinweis nic ht i n PM200 verwendbar @ 0\mod_1210056716286_9.doc @ 766 @ @ 1
The wireless grinding jar cover cannot be used in the PM 200.
Pos : 3.4 /00020 BD A Software/20005 PM GC Kapitelsamml ung/Warnhinweis e/M odul Beac hten Si e z usätzlich di e Bedienungs- Anl eitung Ihrer Kugel mühle! @ 0\mod_1214301374239_9.doc @ 1720 @ @ 1
Comply with the operating instructions for your planetary ball mill too.
This document only has instructions for the use of the PM GrindControl. Safe
handling of the planetary ball mill is a precondition for the use of the PM
Pos : 3.5 /00020 BD A Software/20005 PM GC Kapitelsamml ung/0004 Vor wort/M odul Arbeits weise @ 0\mod_1208858606206_9.doc @ 345 @ @ 1
This wireless grinding jar cover and the PM GrindControl software serve to
continuously acquire the parameters pressure and temperature in a grinding jar.
The measured values read by the sensors located in the grinding jar cover are
transmitted wirelessly to a receiver system in the PC.
The temperature sensor is thermally separate from the grinding jar cover and
measures only the gas temperature in the grinding chamber. As a result, even
rapid or slight changes in temperature are registered.
The transmitted data is displayed and stored in the software. For every
measurement, the values measured are stored in a file (dat-file) and are then
available for extensive evaluations.
The wireless grinding jar cover permits the use of the system in the PM 100 and
Essentially, the following steps are necessary for using the PM GrindControl
software to monitor the temperature and the pressure in the grinding jar:
1. Definition of a measurement task
2. Integration of the measurement systems involved
3. Execution of the measurement
4. Evaluation of the measurement data
The evaluation can be conducted at a separate time from the measurement, i.e.
the raw data can be inputted again later and evaluated. The raw data contains all
the settings and protocol inputs stored in the measurement task.
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