Technical data, 2 transport and storage, 3 care instructions and storage – Retsch PM GrindControl User Manual

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Technical Data


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3.2 Transport and Storage

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3.2.1 Packaging

The packaging has been adapted to the mode of transport. It complies with the
generally applicable packaging guidelines.

Please retain the packaging for the duration of the warranty period because
returning in unsuitable packaging in the event of a complaint can jeopardize your
warranty claims.

3.2.2 Transport

Do not subject the PM GrindControl to impacts, jolts or vibrations during
transportation as this can damage the electronic and mechanical components.

3.2.3 Temperature Fluctuations

Where temperature fluctuates greatly (during shipment by air, for instance), protect
the PM GrindControl from condensation. The electronic components could
otherwise be damaged.

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3.3 Care Instructions and Storage

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The two cover baseplates are made of hardened stainless steel (1.4034).

Hardened steel has a lower chromium content and so it does not form any oxide
protective layer. Therefore, it distinguishes itself not by its corrosion resistance, but
by its greater hardness.

We therefore use a special oil to protect these grinding tools. Please remove the oil
before using it the first time; water and detergent are enough for this purpose.
Please dry the grinding tool well.

After the grinding operations, the grinding tools must be cleaned in as dry a state
as possible. However, if they are extremely dirty, they can be cleaned with a damp
cloth and some household detergent. It is important to ensure sufficient drying.

If the grinding tools are to be stored for a long time, we recommend the use of a
corrosion protection oil. If corrosion occurs nonetheless, it can be removed with
household scouring agents.

Also recommendable for long-time storage is to store the parts in the
accompanying VCE bags. (blue plastic bags).

Caution – Damage to electronic components!
Do not clean the radio grinding jar cover under running water.

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