3 recordings, Count!guard manual 40 – Quadrox Count-Guard User Manual User Manual
Page 40

Count!Guard Manual
4.1.3 Recordings
When your server and cameras are configured, the Count!Guard application will start counting and
all date will be recorded. The Records path is configured in the General Settings section of the
Configuration tab.
General Settings Screen
Following parameters are available for recordings:
Storage folder: In this folder all counting data is stored for all servers and cameras.
By default, this folder is C:\Program Files\Quadrox\Count!Guard\Records.
Automatically reset counts at midnight: If checked, the visualized counting on the Live
tab will be reset to zero at midnight.
Your data is not lost when this parameter is applied. All data is stored and can be
retrieved by the export feature (See Export)
Version Series
2010 Quadrox NV