Omnitron Systems Technology OmniMux 400 User Manual
Page 3

Application 2. Remote Controller Extension
In this application an existing twinax cable, which is used to
connect a single port with seven workstations, is being reused to
increase the number of ports at a distant site to four and service
up to 28 workstations. The workstations at the far end are to be
connected via twinax.
In this implementation, a 5494 type remote controller (a) is
connecting the four twinax ports (b) to the Mux (c) which
concentrates them onto the existing twinax link (d). The twinax
link cable connects to the far end Demux (e) where the original
ports are regenerated and provide connectivity to the 28
workstations. As required the workstations are connected via
twinax directly from the Demux.
Application 3. The OmniMux As a Fiber Optic Star
In this example, a low-cost solution is desired for connecting a single
AS/400 host port via fiber to a twisted pair distribution star.
In the proposed implementation, the host (a) twinax port which
originates at the local controller's distribution “brick” is converted
into twisted pair via an impedance matching balun. The UTP
wire is converted into fiber (d) using an OmniRepeater
(c). The fiber connects the far end OmniMux (e) which is
operating in a fiber star mode and connects to each workstation
(f ) via UTP cables.
Application 4. Multi-Drop Demux-Star Layout
In this example, several buildings across a campus are required
to be connected to the host via fiber. Some use one port with
fewer than seven devices and others use multiple ports with more
than seven devices.
In this case an OmniMux
400XL (c) is connected via a DB25 (b)
cable to the host (a) and provides the central fiber distribution
point with each fiber link being able to connect any number of
ports. The example shows one fiber (d1) connecting to a regular
Demux (e1) with two ports connecting to its end workstations
via twinax (f1) and a second fiber connecting to a Demux-Star
(e2) servicing a single port directly from its UTP ports (f2).
Application 5. DB25 and Local Port Connectivity
In this case it is required to minimize twinax cabling at the
host end and connect UTP workstations at the host and at
the distant ends.
To minimize cabling, a single DB25 (b) cable replaces the "brick"
and all twinax cables, and connects the host (a) to the Mux (c).
The local workstations (g) are connected via a local star. The far
end Demux (e) is connected via the fiber link (d) and the far end
workstations (f ) are connected to the Demux via a star. Note
that the two stars use different host ports from their Muxes.
OmniStar 400
OmniMux 400
OmniMux 400
(b) DB25 cable
(d) fiber
(e) Demux
(c) Mux
(f) UTP to workstations
OmniStar 400
(g) UTP to workstations
(f1) twinax to
OmniMux 400
OmniMux 400
OmniMux 400
(e1) Demux
(e2) Demux-Star
(f2) UTP to
(b) DB25 cable
(d1) fiber
(d2) fiber
(c) SuperMux
OmniMux 400
OmniRepeater 400FTD
(e) Fiber Star
(f) UTP to
(b) balun to UTP
(d) fiber
Omnitron Systems Technology, Inc. • 140 Technology Dr., Suite 500 • Irvine, CA 92618 • 949.250.6510 tel. • 949.250.6514 fax •