2 ttl i/o control from the pumping program – New Era NE-1600 Multi-Phaser Programmable Syringe User Manual

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New Era Pump Systems Inc.


Model NE-1600/NE-1800 Multi-Phaser™

Publication #1200-02



Level Control: Falling edge stops/pauses the Pumping Program, Rising edge starts the Pumping Program.

This configuration can be used with a contact closure timer or in an automation setup,
allowing logic level control over the operation of the pump.

Start Only:

Falling edge starts the Pumping Program. This configuration only allows the starting of the
Pumping Program. This would be useful, for example, with a laboratory animal trained to
press a lever. The animal can start the Pumping Program, but repeated presses would have
no effect until the Pumping Program permits it.

Start Only Reversed: Same as ‘Start Only’, but operates on the Rising edge to start the Pumping Program.

Stop Only:

Falling edge Stops the Pumping Program. This configuration only allows the
stopping/pausing of the Pumping Program. This would be useful, for example, with an end
of travel limit switch. Also, this switch can be used as a power on homing switch.

Stop Only Reversed: Same as ‘Stop Only’, but operates on the Rising edge to stop the Pumping Program.
Run on Low Level:

Starts the pump whenever the level is low

Run on High Level:

Starts the pump whenever the level is high

Stop on Low Level:

Stop the pump whenever the level is low

Stop on High Level:

Stop the pump whenever the level is high

Trigger off:

Trigger control is disabled

Event Trap Trigger:

Redirects a Stop Operational Trigger to the Event Trap.

Button Event Trigger:

Redirects ‘Stop’ key to the Event Trap.

Pump Motor Operating (Pin 7): This output provides an external signal indicating when the pump motor is

operating. This pin is configured with the


setup command, or the "ROM" remote command.

When set to 0, the output is only at logic high when the motor is operating (pumping). When set to 1, the
output is logic high when the motor is operating or when the Pumping program is executing a pause timer.
Otherwise, the output is a logic low.

Pumping Direction Controls (Input: Pin 3; Output: Pin 8): Allows bi-directional control of the pumping
direction. The input pin, when activated, emulates the pumping direction key, changing the pumping direction.
This function, therefore, is only applicable where the pumping direction key would be applicable. The

function of the input pin is configured with the


setup command, or the "DIN" remote command.

When the mode is set to reciprocating pumps ("rE" setup command), then if the current pumping direction is
withdraw, a falling edge sets the direction to infuse. If the current pumping direction is infuse, a rising edge
sets the direction to withdraw. Otherwise, this input pin has no effect.

When the mode is set to dual pumps ("dU" setup command), then if the current pumping direction is withdraw,
a rising edge sets the direction to infuse. If the current pumping direction is infuse, a falling edge sets the
direction to withdraw. Otherwise, this input pin has no effect.

Dual and reciprocating pumping systems are created using 2 pumps attached with the accessory cable CBL-

The output pin provides an output signal to external devices indicating the direction of pumping. A logic low
indicates withdraw, and a logic high indicates infuse. For example, this pin can be used to control an external
valve, allowing the syringe to refill from a reservoir.

10.2 TTL I/O Control from the Pumping Program

Various Pumping Program functions can define how the pump reacts to levels on the TTL I/O connector or set
output levels. These are summarized in the following table:


TTL I/O Control Pin

Pin #



Program Output


Set logic level output to ‘n’


Event Trigger


Falling edge triggers a jump to Phase ‘nn’


Event Square wave


Rising or falling edge triggers a jump to Phase 'nn'


Program Input


Low level causes a jump to Phase ‘nn’


Operational Trigger


Trigger activation resumes Program operation