5 ttl i/o directional control input configuration, 6 pump motor operating ttl output configuration, 7 keypad lockout – New Era NE-1600 Multi-Phaser Programmable Syringe User Manual

Page 21: 8 keypad beep enable

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New Era Pump Systems Inc.


Model NE-1600/NE-1800 Multi-Phaser™

Publication #1200-02





Start on High Level

Start Pumping Program on a high level



Stop on Low Level

Stop Pumping Program on a low level



Stop on High Level

Stop Pumping Program on a high level



Trigger off

Disable trigger



Trigger Event

Pumping Program Function Only: Trigger an event
instead of stopping the pump



Button Trigger Event

Pumping Program Function Only: Pressing ‘Stop’ key
triggers an event instead of stopping the pump

7.5 TTL I/O Directional Control Input Configuration


Configures how the TTL input ‘Pumping Direction’ (pin 3) will control the pumping direction.

(See sec. 10.1, “TTL I/O Operational Controls”). The 2 letter configuration setting to the right of the colon (:)
is defined as follows:

Setting Name



Reciprocating Pumps

Falling edge: Infuse; Rising edge: Withdraw


Dual Pump

Falling edge: Withdraw; Rising edge: Infuse

The setting names are relevant to a 2 pump system, whereby the ‘Directional Control Input’ TTL pin is
attached to the second pump’s ‘Pumping Direction Output’ TTL pin.

In addition, “Directional Control Input” will affect how the “Sticky Direction” function operates. See “ Sticky
Direction”, sec: 5.8.1

7.6 Pump Motor Operating TTL Output Configuration


Configures the functionality of the 'Pump Motor Operating' TTL output pin (TTL pin 7).

Settings: 0: Sets the output to logic high only when the motor is operating (pumping).

Sets the output to logic low when the motor is not operating or when the Pumping Program is

executing a pause timer or is stopped

1: Sets the output to logic high when the motor is operating (pumping) or when the Pumping

Program is executing a pause timer. Also alters operation of Alternating Communications Mode.
Set the output to logic low when the Pumping Program is stopped

7.7 Keypad Lockout


Setting: '0' = Disabled, '1' = Enabled.

*** The "Lockout Disable Key" needs to be inserted into the TTL I/O connector to display this setting***

When enabled, the "Lockout Disable Key" needs to be inserted in the TTL I/O connector to change any of the
pump's settings. When the key is removed, the user can only start or stop the pump and review current
settings. Settings can still be changed from RS-232. When the user attempts to change a setting, the message

will be displayed.

Auto-Run Mode: When used in conjuction with the Sub-Program Select programming function, the pump will
enter Auto-Run Mode. In this mode, on power up, the Pumping Program will immediately begin to execute
and the user would be prompted to enter a Sub-Program number.

The "Lockout Disable Key" connects the "Program Input", TTL connector pin 6, to Ground, pin 9. The
"Lockout Disable Key" is available as an accessory item.

Lockout can also be disabled by performing a system reset, see sec. 5.13.2, “Reset Pumping Program".

7.8 Keypad Beep Enable


Setting: ‘0’ = Disabled, ‘1’ = Enabled.