Maintenance – Multiquip MQ600TD80 User Manual

Page 26

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page 26 —mq600Td80 TRaSH pUmp • opeRaTion and paRTS manUal — Rev. #11 (10/10/11)


eaSy-CHange FUel FilTeR

Replace the easy change fuel filter (Figure 14) every 500

Figure 14. Easy-Change Fuel Filter

imSa FUel FilTeR

Inspect and clean (replace if necessary) the IMSA fuel

filter (Figure 15) every 500 hours. This filter is part of the

fuel pump.

Figure 15. IMSA Fuel Filter

Cleaning THe imSa FUel FilTeR

1. Close the fuel shut-off valve and loosen the retaining

on the IMSA fuel filter (Figure 15).

2. Remove the cover and the fuel strainer.

3. Clean the fuel strainer with diesel fuel. Replace fuel

strainer if necessary.

4. Re-assemble IMSA fuel filter.

5. Bleed fuel system and check for fuel leaks.



FUel WaTeR SepaRaToR FilTeR

1. Inspect the fuel water separator (Figure 16) every 40

hours. If the fuel water separator requires maintenance

follow steps 2 and 3 below.

Figure 16. Fuel Water Separator Filter

2. Open the drain plug on the fuel water separator (Figure

16) to remove any sediment or water that may have

accumulated in the fuel water separator reservoir.

3. After water and sediment and foreign debris has been

drained from the fuel water separator, reinstall the drain

plug on fuel water separator.

FUel TanK

Unscrew the fuel drain plug on the fuel tank (Figure 17) to

remove water and sediment every 500 hours. If the purity

of the fuel being used is of lesser quality drain the fuel tank

more frequently.

Figure 17. Fuel Tank/Drain Plug