Insert single variable values into report template – MTS Reporter Add-In User Manual
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Only the variables and monitor views that are available in the test can be added to the report template.
From the Excel application
If you launch Excel as a stand-alone application, use the following procedure to open a test:
1. At the top of the Excel window, click the MTS TestSuite Report tab.
2. In the Link area of the MTS TestSuite Report ribbon, click Test and select the test or analysis definition
that you want to use to build the report template.
You can also link to an Analysis Definition when using the Reporter Add-In with MTS TestSuite
Multipurpose Software and an Analyzer application. Once a definitions file is selected, the charts
and variables defined in the file are available for use in a template.
From an MTS TestSuite application
If you open a test in an MTS TestSuite application and use that application to open an existing template
or create a new template, the test selection is automatically linked to the template.
Select the Test Run or Analysis Run Used to Generate Report
Before you can generate a report, you must define the test run or analysis run that the template will use
to generate reports. The test run that you select should be representative of the types of tests that will use
the report template.
Each time you click Report, the Reporter Add-In will use data from the test run to populate the various
charts and tables that are in your template. This allows you to preview the template changes and correct
any errors.
1. On the MTS TestSuite Report ribbon, click Source.
2. From the list, click the test run or analysis run that you want to use to generate reports.
Analysis runs are only available when using the Reporter Add-In with MTS TestSuite Multipurpose
Software in conjunction with an Analyzer application.
Insert Single Variable Values into Report Template
Click the Single Variable Value button to show a Variables panel that lists all the variables and variable
categories that appear in the test that is linked to the template.
To add single variables to the report template, click-and-drag the desired variable (or an entire variable
category) from the Variables list to the desired location in the template.
Once a variable is added, you can format it by selecting the cell and using the Properties tab to further
define what appears in the cell.
20 | MTS TestSuite
Working With Test Reports