5 glossary, Glossary, When a card reader is connected to your – Lenze Card File Handler User Manual

Page 34: Control (option) and additi, Ile) compiled with the drive plc developer studio, Global drive control, The card module execute, If a card reader for, His function requires a card reader, Drive plc developer

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Card File Handler



1.1 EN






Abbreviation for Automation Interface: Lenze-specific interface on the target

system for the connection of additional peripherals (AIF modules).

Archive level

Topmost level of the archive tree. When selecting the topmost element (ar-

chive) from the archive tree, you will change to the archive level. Here you can

execute all archive functions.

Archive tree

Hierarchical representation of the contents of an archive.



Represents a SmartMedia card in the archive. Just like a SmartMedia card,

each card can contain up to 16 drive sets.

Card File Handler

Software which can be used to build up, organise and save card archives for

the SmartMedia memory cards of the Lenze card module.

Card level

Second level of the archive tree. When selecting a card from the archive tree,

you will change to the card level. Here you can execute all card functions.

Card module

AIF module for the transfer of drive sets between a Lenze PLC and a SmartMe-

dia card.

Card reader

Device used to read data and information from memory cards, e.g. SmartMe-

dia cards.



Abbreviation for Drive PLC Developer Studio.

Device description

File with the ending *.pdb, describes all parameters (codes) of the target sys-

tem and is required by Global Drive Control for the creation of a parameter set


Drive PLC Developer Studio

Development environment for the creation of IEC 61131 programs for Lenze


Drive set

Includes all data required by the target system: DDS binary file, GDC parame-

ter set file (optional) and user data (optional).

Drive set level

Lowest (third) level of the archive tree. When selecting a drive set from the ar-

chive tree, you will change to the drive set level. Here you can execute all drive

set functions.



Abbreviation for Global Drive Control.

Global Drive Control

Software for the commissioning and parameterization of the Lenze 8200 and

9300 drive series.



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