Cautions: pole & tree climbers – Klein Tools Pole and Tree Climbers, Including Gaff Sharpening User Manual
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7200 McCormick Blvd., P.O. Box 599033,
Chicago, IL 60659-9033
© 2001 Klein Tools, Inc.
Printed in U.S.A. 139107
Cautions: Pole & Tree Climbers
• Climbing equipment is for use by properly trained
professionals only.
• Use climbing equipment only for the specific
purpose for which it was designed and intended.
• Klein Tools recommends a combined body, clothing
and tool weight of 300 pounds or less for use with our
pole and/or tree climbers.
• Always visually check that all buckles are properly
closed before use.
• Before each use check that: (1) gaffs are free of dents,
gouges, or scratches, (2) gaffs have proper width,
thickness, point profile, and sharpness. Only evaluate
gaffs with Klein KG-1 gaff gauge. (3) If gaffs fail
inspection, resharpen them, or discard and replace
• Before each use check that: (1) climber straps and
pads are free of burns, cuts, broken stitches, or excessive
wear, (2) rivets are not bent, loose, or missing, (3) buckles
are not distorted or cracked, tongue does not bind on
buckle and buckle holes are not damaged. (4) Remove
from service, destroy and discard item if it fails
inspection, and replace it immediately.
• Never punch holes in or alter a strap or climber.
• For leather components:
Leather is subject to
deterioration by cracking, wearing thin, tearing,
weakening, and chemical attack. Carefully maintain with
Neat’s-foot oil or equivalent. Inspect straps before each
use. Remove from service, destroy and discard strap
if it shows any signs of deterioration and replace
• While climbing, avoid gaff contact with metal, such as
pole hardware, tags, nails, poster staples, etc.
• Poles are not all alike. Different wood species,
climate, pole age, and preservative treatments (Creosote,
Penta, CCA) affect climbability, resulting in significant
differences in gaff penetration. Visually check gaff
penetration with your full weight on the climber before
any climb. If penetration is shallow, use extreme
caution. The gaff could “cut-out”, or the increased stress
could lead to tip breakage. For proper penetration, the
minimum underside length of a pole climber gaff is 1-7/16"
(37 mm).
• Trees are not all alike. Different species and bark
thickness affect climbability. Visually check gaff
penetration as described for pole climbers before any
climb. For proper penetration: (1) Use a tree climber gaff
with a minimum underside length of 2-1/4" (57 mm).
(2) When bark thickness measures more than 2-1/2" (64
mm), make sure gaff has enough length to properly
penetrate the wood under the bark.
• After climbs, remove climbers to avoid gaff damage from
hard surfaces or from gaffs striking together when walking.
• Use gaff guards to protect gaffs between uses.
• Limiting gaff replacement on climbers to two times is
highly recommended.
• Employer — instruct employee as to proper use and
warnings before use of equipment.
• Read, understand and follow
all information
provided with climber before use.
OSHA states that any OPE equipment
actually subjected to in-service loading, as
distinguished from static load testing, shall be
immediately removed from service and shall not be
used again to safeguard employees. If any equipment
has arrested a fall, immediately destroy and discard it so
it can never be used again.
The use of occupational protective
equipment without proper instructional materials and
training could result in serious injury or death. Klein
Tools will supply additional instructional materials,
warnings tags, or will answer questions on any piece of
Klein occupational protective equipment free of charge.
Call Klein Tools, Inc. at 1-800-553-4676.