JUMO 701150 14597 safetyM STB/STW - Safety Temperature Limiter and Safety Temperature Monitor Data Sheet User Manual

Stb/stw, Brief description, Block diagram

background image

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Safety Temperature Limiter,
Safety Temperature Monitor
According to DIN EN 14597

Brief description

The safety temperature limiter JUMO safetyM STB and the safety temperature monitor JUMO
safetyM STW are used to reliably detect and avert hazards that could cause injuries to people,
that could be harmful to the environment, or that could cause destruction of production plants
and produced goods at an early stage.
Its primary task is to reliably monitor thermal processes and switch the systems to an opera-
tional safe status in the event of malfunctions.
The measured value at the analog input can be recorded by various probes or standard sig-
nals. The exceedance of the limit value is indicated by the installed LEDs K1 and K2 (red) for
each channel, and the installed relay output alarm switches the system to an operational safe
status (alarm range).
The high standards of DIN EN 61508 and DIN EN ISO 13849 are met by a device concept that
has a 1oo2D structure (2-channel structure with diagnostic channel) which ensures reliable de-
tection of errors. This device concept can also be used for applications that correspond to the
new machinery directive 2006/42/EC.

Block diagram

1 binary input
for floating contact

1 analog output
standard signal


Voltage supply

AC 110 to 240 V +10/-15 %, 48 to 63 Hz

AC/DC 20 to 30 V, 48 to 63 Hz

USB Interface
for setup program

1 relay Output Alarm
SPDT (changeover contact)
with fuse cut-out

1 relay output pre-alarm KV)


SPDT (changeover contact)

LCD display
with white background lighting


4 keys
for operation and
acknowledgement of alarms

Mesured Value

universal analog Input 1

universal analog Input 2

Data Sheet 701150

Type 701150/ …

Special features

k 1oo2D structure for a high degree of pro-

cess safety and reliability

k LCD display with background lighting

and plain text display for more comfortable

k Setup program for configuration and

archiving via USB interface

k Digital input filter with adjustable

filter time constant

k Pre-alarm absolute or adjustable as a mar-

gin from the limit value

k Wide voltage supply range

from AC 110 to 240 V +10 %/-15 % or
AC/DC 20 to 30 V

k Can be configured as STB or STW

k 12 linearizations can be set

k Internal and external unlocking possible

k Approvals for DIN EN 14597, SIL, PL (Per-

formance Level), Gl and UL

k Two relay outputs can be used as pre-

alarm or limit value alarm

Approvals/approval marks

(see "Technical Data")

