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background image

area. To change size and slant, left click the object at the end – a thickened red frame will



Draws a rectangle box with a set thickness and black colour. You can set the coordinates
of the top left corner and box line thickness. Line thickening is done at the expense of the
internal space. To move the box object, select the item by clicking on some of the lines,
hold down the left mouse button and drag the object. Resize by selecting the object so as
the frame to appear indicating the stretch directions.



Displays a black-and-white image on a selected area on the label design. The program
takes the picture data from a file, which must be monochrome, BMP/PCX format. What
is loaded is the whole image – you cannot select parts of it. You can define the
coordinates of the top left corner, the file path and name. The picture will be loaded in the
printer as a graphic with the same name. This is useful when you want this picture to be
used by different label designs, no matter that the graphic was loaded only once (for
example – you can load a graphic with your company logo). Move a picture by left-
clicking on it and dragging it to another area. Pictures cannot be resized. If you want to
use a colour image of BMP/JPG format, you must first convert the image from Tools-
>Color To Black & White Converter and save the file on the disk.


2-D barcode PDF417

Draws a barcode PDF417. The barcode properties allow you to select the position,
rotation (0, 90, 180, and 270 degrees), maximum width and height, maximum bar width
and height, maximum row and column count, the compression method and the barcode
data. The Text information format is described in a separate topic. To move the barcode
object, left-click on it and drag with the key held down. To change the size select the
right lower corner of the barcode (it’s position depends on the rotation) - the object will
appear surrounded by a frame.

Text and Barcode Information Format

The text and barcode information could be comprised of several fields that contain free
text, the current date and time and some of the set and initiated variables and counters.
The elements are arranged from left to right according to their description and form the
text that will be printed or encoded in the barcode. The fields are:


Free text