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@3 Sets the printer in print text mode with font 3 (12x20)


@4 Sets the printer in print text mode with font 4 (14x24)



Sets the printer in normal mode.

Each command must be on a separate line ending in (ASCII code 10). Everything
send between these two commands is printed as a text with the selected font. If the text is
longer, it is automatically transferred to a new line. It is advisable when working in this
mode to use continuous paper media. Switching off the printer will set the device in
normal mode.


What is the command language used by the printer and is it compatible

with any standard?

The command language of DIGIWEIGH printers is based on EPL2 (Eltron

Programming Language). Compatibility is not 100 % but is enough for the printers to
work properly with most of the programs intended for these printers. The DIGIWEIGH
printers have some new commands added mostly for the purpose of getting information
from the printer, which is indispensable for DIGIWEIGH Label Editor. Another addition
are the modifiers of the variables and the option to print linear text – both are not part of
the EPL2 language.

From the standard EPL2 commands some of the settings are not supported and choose the
code tables for the languages in a different way.

Creating a Label for Digital Scales - an Example

As an example of creating a new label, we shall use L00, which is designed for work with
digital scales DIGIWEIGH DWP-102N
. The data from the weighed item will be printer on it.

The choice of text and barcode font and size depends on the size of the label area. The
name of the label must be one of the ten possibilities to program in the scales - L00, L01,
… L09. Let us use L00.

The weight data, which the scales will send, must be defined as variables. In this case, the
printer offers more option and it must comply with the number of text lines sent by the
scales. Their content is sent in the following order:


Company’s name – 28 symbols.


Item’s name - 28 symbols.


Weight in kg – 6 symbols (one of them being the decimal point).