DATOptic uNAS – tNAS User Manual

Page 58

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uNAS/tNAS User Guide Version 1.0 

Page 58 


Function: Create new user

To create user, enter name, password, retype password and press create button.
User name cannot:

contain characters: ~ ! @ # $ ^ & ( ) + [ ] { } * ; : ' " ., ; % | < > ? / \ = `,

begin or end with a space.

Password cannot:

contain characters: ' " `,


If users forget their password, there is no way to retrieve it. You can only set a new password.

Function: UID mappings (upload/download)

This function allows you to upload and download UIDs (users IDs).
Using this function you are able to change a lot of users ids at one time.

To upload UID:

In resources menu create share settings (on lv00),

Copy configuration file uid_mappings.csv (format:user_name;uid) into settings folder. This file

should be in UTF-8 encoding,

Press "upload" button to import uid mappings,