Dakota Ultrasonics DFX-7 plus MANUAL2 User Manual
Page 143

Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge
Saving Graphics
The DFX-7 provides the user with the ability to save a snapshot of the display
screen and all the current settings of the DFX-7 with every reading, or just save
the reading only. Saving the graphics might be advantageous to the user when
the A/B-Scan views will be used to graphically save a picture of the scanned
areas for reporting purposes. It might also come in handy when user requires
backup of all the current DFX-7 parameters for each reading. However, if
neither of these requirements are necessary, this option should be disabled in
order make more efficient use to the DFX-7 storage capacity.
Grid Log
Sequential Log
1) Use the UP and DOWN arrow keys to scroll through the new Grid or Seq
List Items until SAVE GRAPHICS is highlighted.
2) Use the LEFT & RIGHT arrow keys to toggle the Increment direction to
YES or NO.
3) Continue on to the next section “Saving a Grid or Seq File”.